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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. Looks like he's conceding Virginia. https://www.google.com/amp/abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/trump-campaign-pulls-virginia-reallocates-resources-competitive-battleground/story%3fid=42772071?client=ms-android-verizon Or maybe he's unshackling himself from Virginia?
  2. Unshackled? More like unhinged.
  3. I can't believe either team is in the lead at this point.
  4. 3rd and 1 in the red zone. False start. 3rd and 6. Delay. Third and 11. Play clock running down, forced to use a timeout. Is this Buffalo? And then aguayo misses the fg. Red zone meltdown.
  5. I went into tonight needing a total of 34 points from Winston and Evans. I'm already packing it up.
  6. Actually, he did that, and it gave the Hillary camp a perfect opportunity to roll out Trumps 1998 remarks about those very same women. If the whole argument was that Hillary is a terrible person for what she said, then if Trump said the same thing, she's kinda off the hook.
  7. http://m.washingtontimes.com/polls/2016/oct/9/who-won-presidential-debate/results/
  8. Big day for the USC boy.
  9. This TEAM is killing me. Goodwin? Ok I guess.
  10. I still can't believe Shady McCoy plays for our team, and all we have up for him was a linebacker with knee problems.
  11. Saw that coming. Now ice it
  12. The rams are trying so hard to give this game away. Why can't we just take it?
  13. Did Fisher just get credit for bringing NRC into the league? Whaley gets absolutely no respect
  14. Woods' talent is wasted on this team.
  15. A normal sized wr would have caught that. Alas, we get a free pass.
  16. Jezzzus wrap this guy up
  17. The bend-until-you-break defense makes its return
  18. Yeah, but he's been playing this way all season.
  19. Yeah, thems was the days.
  20. Remember when special teams was our only strength?
  21. Dude... This is the stuff I expected to see from these players.
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