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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. These magazines, sans-Jordan, have reached EBay. So if you're looking for a way to waste $500...
  2. Term limits, not that I think it will be easy to get passed.
  3. The Hearing Protection Act will be law within the first two months, because he's gonna want to show that he truly is pro 2A.
  4. Also, he lowered his handicap three strokes.
  5. Well he basically was, but it's their fault, helping to build the imperial presidency.
  6. Hillary and the DNC spent MILLIONS trying to scare people from voting for third parties. I'm looking at some of the polling, and it seems like they got exactly what they wanted, but the vast majority of those people jumped to Trump. Dems own this loss.
  7. I honestly can't believe this is happening. Popping my corn for the Hillary concession speech.
  8. A play like that should not be to our detriment.
  9. That's what garbage time does
  10. Time to pile on the make up calls, because "New England gets just as many penalties as anybody else."
  11. Yeah, this is crazy. Two sets of rules.
  12. Hey, just so you know, it looks even worse in person.
  13. Ueah, keep the game alive
  14. Lol typical buffalo
  15. It's obviously bad, but in the end it's none of my business. I park where I park because I don't want to see stuff like this, but if someone wants to host a girls gone wild tailgate in their private lot, more power to them. For the record, I actually think the organization should be patrolling their own lots and the entry points of the stadium more strictly.
  16. It's literally the core of this issue. Not sure how one can come to a conclusion without acknowledging exactly what the organization and county are doing here.
  17. So essentially what you're saying is that the organization has the right to use the authority of the government to come down on fans doing embarrassing things, even if they aren't actually at the stadium?
  18. They aren't going to say anything about that video, because they couldn't use that as a pretext to put the squeeze on you and all of your neighbors.
  19. Again, the culprit of...? Did I miss the part of the video where they assaulted somebody or stole something, or the part where this incident drifted onto county property?
  20. Blamed for...?
  21. Gonna Trump the fish Rex eats victory sundae Make Rex fat again
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