I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder about two years into college, after a tragic accident. It manifested itself in some ways that were making school very difficult.
I started out with a grief counselor, and he sent me off to a psychiatrist pretty quickly. I was seeing him five times a month or so, and trying out medications. All of them made me feel either incredibly irritable or aloof. All the while I'm trying to go to college full time and work. Eventually my doctor and I decided that medication wouldn't be the way over it. I had to learn some coping methods. I basically hit the reset button, dropped out of school and went on a two month long road trip to get away for a while. When,i got back, I resumed parts of my life one at a time, evaluating everything as I went. It was a tough couple of years, but eventually I got back to a full courseload at school and all of my other responsibilities.
I rarely go for counseling anymore, but I still have to work through things. I only really shared what I was going through with one person other than my parents and my counselors. I never shared it with my friends, and for a time I kind of shut them out. I tend to be somewhat of a flake when it comes to casual group arrangements, and I suppose they've just come to accept it as a quirk of mine, but being open with them about it is one of the hurdles I still have to get over.
It's always tough, but it gets better.