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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. The Fins just got shutout by one of the most unimpressive defenses in the league. Miami might pull a worse record than the Jets.
  2. Let's slow down a little here. But, yeah, 4+ wins within the division could help a ton.
  3. They shouldn't let this crew handle any games overseas. We're exporting our worst sample of this game.
  4. I really didn't think Miami would be this bad. Woof.
  5. Absolutely standing. So simple, so poignant, so Buffalo.
  6. An Andy Reid disciple is bad at managing the clock? Shocking.
  7. The andy reid school of clock management
  8. Read the room, Bills Social Media.
  9. Two three and outs to start the game. Awesome.
  10. Oh damn, I saw that truck at rhe corner of Abbott and SWern last Sunday! I was wondering what that was all about.
  11. Definitely the day everybody knew the Pegulas had the winning bid. I was still at Brockport and shared a house with a couple NYets fans who had spent the spring before telling me that there was no way the team was staying. As soon as the Kelly Pegula tweet went viral, a couple friends came over and started partying, and we didn't stop until about 6pm the next day. We just sat in my room and listened to WGR all day, shirking all other commitments. I was an emotional wreck all day, and doing my best to keep it together, but I lost it when JR from the DR called into the Howard Simon Show. A lifetime of doubt about the security of the franchise evaporating will do that, I guess.
  12. White jersey, blue pants.
  13. If hes on the ground, hes down immediately when a Buffalo player touches him. If Woods hit is what dislodged the ball, then he was down.
  14. SONOFABITCH. I went to bed at halftime.
  15. Haha, every break. Must be nice.
  16. "The matter was referred 'back to Denver Health to handle internally.'" I bet those nurses wish they had the chance to it internally.
  17. I didn't realize Zay was such a big deal.
  18. Were there actually gunshots or was it just something that sounded like shots? Its hard to tell based on his statement. If it just sounded like gunshots, how could they have had a profile of the suspected shooter?
  19. I had heard about this a couple days after the fight and thought about posting something, but I thought it might be BS. The person I heard it from told me that they were waiting to see if there was bodycam or cell phone footage anywhere so that it didnt seem like he was just making something up to further his protest.
  20. I don't get it. But they're keeping Jones? Ugh. I've officially hit my tipping point.
  21. I really dont mind if he goes to NE, but that shouldn't happen for free. I Don't care if the return is a bag of slightly deflated footballs, you gotta get something.
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