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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. This is gonna be the longest 30 minute plne ride ever.
  2. It's over. Back to earth.
  3. Come on guys, stop Billsing it.
  4. Our finest president
  5. 42 and light rain at kickoff. Almost no wind, though, so we got that going for us, which is nice.
  6. Six games. Six games and he has yet to run a draft, and he's already a failure.
  7. https://twitter.com/ByTimGraham/status/924057498247680000 Timmy has really stepped up his twitter game lately.
  8. Filling a marquee position.
  9. Im surprised Boldin isn't part of this trade, because Jax is a contender closer to home.
  10. http://twitter.com/AdamSchefter/status/924050964218224640
  11. I'm not sure if it was racist, but it was certainly a ham-fisted use of the metaphor.
  12. You just jinxed it. Now we have a tie coming down the pike.
  13. Exactly. It isn't like he was traded to the Bills, he signed here. He made a commitment to this team, and he balked at it. I'm only taking an offer that knocks my socks off or sends him to any of the 15 NFC teams we don't have to play this year. Barring that, sorry Anquan, you're always welcomed to try to win a spot in our already thin WR corps.
  14. Thursday night football is an absolute failboat. The 'fins smell like a beached whale. Thank goodness we still have to play them TWICE. Shady has to have those two games circled on his calendar, seeing how Collins got 113 on 18 carries and another 30 receiving.
  15. I think he saw the Bills as an easy way to build a Trump Niagara Falls resort world. Think of all the government grants and tax breaks that would be at his disposal, in a one of a kind location.
  16. https://www.google.com/amp/nypost.com/2017/10/26/joe-girardi-wont-manage-yankees-next-season/amp/ Girardi gone.
  17. This is going to be like a college basketball game. 150 points and whoever has the ball last is gonna win it. And FNE.
  18. CC in game seven? Got 'em right where we want 'em.
  19. Relocation (in which case I would become a Browns fan) or proof of an upper level conspiracy to influence the results of games.
  20. Well, this post didnt age gracefully.
  21. This game has been great, but im nor sure how long I can keep myself awake.
  22. Atlanta has the best throwbacks in the league.
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