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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. The silence is deafening. Don't worry, I'm sure he will explain it as soon as he is done searching google for talking points.
  2. I would also like to see the rates of those without a hs diploma. If you look at SPSS stats, it works out to resemble a bell curve. Those at the ends of the educational scale tend to be liberal, those in the middle tend to be conservative. Just look at inner cities for a visible example. TYTT, it makes sense that the smartest people tend to be Libertarian. Those who actually take the time to think for themselves believe that people can and should think for themselves.
  3. I'm still learning these internets work. Maybe I'll just write [sarcasm] at the end of all of my prickish responses. I should add Al Gore to my Christmas card list... [sarcasm]
  4. http://www.glennbeck.com/2012/11/09/another-glenn-beck-prediction-comes-true-david-petraeus-resigns-as-head-of-the-cia/
  5. I'm not sure if you don't get it or if you are trying to prove a point, but I think you are doing the latter. Basically trickle down is the label that progressives throw at supply side economics. You create an environment favorable to hiring through lessening the burden on businesses through tax breaks/lower rates and loosened regulations. I'm completely in agreement with you. I'm just typically sarcastic and I forget I can't type in a sarcastic tone.
  6. Actually, trickle down economics do work. Reagan's policies paved the way for job creation, and broadened the tax base, resulting in good times in the 90s. Progressives don't understand this. Hence why they cried that Romney's math didn't add up.
  7. One rumor has it that Huntsman is replacing Hillary.
  8. This is exactly it. A bunch of douchey college students voting Dem because "the GOP is full of bigots and they want into your uterus and bedrooms." I dont know who to hate more for this, my generation of douchey college students, or the GOP for making a pointless stand to police peoples morals.
  9. It is telling that Tebow basically had his choice of NY and Jax, and he picked NY.
  10. Who is that big guy with Wilfork?
  11. +1. I have no idea what this dude is talking about. http://elections.nyt...ampaign-finance
  12. The House and POTUS would likely be controlled by the same party in this situation.
  13. And this is why 1.2 million voted for Johnson and 3 million GOP voters stayed home. Having values is fine. In fact, it is admirable. It typically (IMO) leads to a better life. But people don't want others values crammed down their throat.
  14. The quote is "Government is best which governs the least," not "Government is best which governs less than the other guy." I stand by my decision.
  15. Tate's avg is higher than Fosters. Shouldn't Tate be starting? This is crazy. They are different style runners. Out of all the mountainous problems, this is an anthill.
  16. Thursday night tailgating is good for my conscience. I won't have to feel bad about drinking before 8am... on a Sunday.
  17. Republic just means we elect representatives to make our laws instead of voting on every single law in a referendum. Not sure if you're trolling...
  18. Since each state decides its own voting rules, yes. It standardizes the vote in a way.
  19. RUN THE DANG BALL But anyway, how many people are following on an interactive electoral map?
  20. Are we talking about Slaughters district no longer looking like a pair of earmuffs?
  21. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with Gary...
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