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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. Whats so bad about that? People freaking love wings. Better than showing the abandoned factories on the lakefront. I went in as early as I could before the game for the pregame stuff, and you could tell they were having some trouble communicating. Deion looked miserable cold.
  2. He's the emotional leader of this D.
  3. EVERYBODY seems to ignore this stat. Please post it in the 18 page trainwreck going on over here. It obviously shows how much of a crazy right winger Romney is.
  4. I agree with you all the way. Pepsi is way more expensive than the water coming out of the tap. If Americans drank less soda and other sugary drinks, they would be better off. I'm a slim guy, but when I made the decision to stop drinking soda (mind you I only had 7-10 servings a week) I dropped 8 lbs.
  5. The problem with another party showing up is that it would never be split evenly, ultimately leading to one party rule. Our system could not support 3 parties. It just isn't built like that. Third parties are not necessarily there for their own fulfillment. They exist to shift the platforms of the major parties. I see the Republican party adopting much of the current Libertarian platform in the not too distant future.
  6. Of course Texas asks for aid in emergency situations. They paid into the system for that. That's like saying a Libertarian who worked all his life and was forced to pay into social security for 45 years shouldn't draw after retirement, and is a hypocrite for doing so. If Texas didn't have to pay into the system, they wouldn't need to cash out.
  7. Joe Biden. I can always depend on him to bring light to a subject. I live in a town that is almost exclusively white. I am surrounded by whites who work the hell out of the system. Doesn't make it any less bad, and I fail to see how race has anything to do with this debate. Freeloaders are freeloaders. They come in all colors, shapes, and creeds.
  8. Lets take the example of Romney's definition of middle income. It is the same as Obama's, yet he gets torn apart. Don't take my word for it, this article came from the HUFFINGTON POST of all places. http://www.huffingto..._n_1891814.html
  9. So basically, by accepting this, we can't have real discussion about issues anymore in this country. THAT, is why we are screwed. But I would disagree. MSM delivers the info to the public. The way they report it heavily influences how the info is received.
  10. "Costa Mesa is a city that smells like farts in Orange County, California."
  11. All I got out of that article was that someone couldn't afford something, so they "rent" it. Before they pay it off, they "rent" something else. FWIW, you can go to the Goodwill store and pick up a couch and toaster for a combined $50. It blows my mind that people "need" fancier crap than they actually require.
  12. I hate these threads. They are just different backs. FJ is the grinder, CJ will hit the home run. That being said, each is more than capable of doing both, and both should be getting more touches. They're your best players. You really can't go wrong with either of them.
  13. Really makes you wonder, doesn't it? Right after the election?
  14. I was kind of being goofy. I know that there is only one road out built into the constitution. Let me know when people begin pulling out the maps for that roadtrip. Then I'll think about being worried. We should come up with some crazy petition on that site. Something whacky, like making the "Shout" song the national anthem for a day or something. It will accomplish just as much.
  15. And it all comes down to money. Remember, business owners are the only greedy people.
  16. Ok, so say they get enough signatures/votes. Then what? What happens when they refuse to cooperate with the Federal govt? Is anybody else as worried as I am?
  17. Yeah. Quite comical when you think about it. Libs like to say that poor people are poor because rich people hold them down, but that whole economic model is is based on the idea that poor people can't handle having money on their hands. Bonkers. (Not all poor people, but generally...)
  18. Exactly. And when there is more money and the same supply.. boom, inflation. Back to square one. (Seems like an oversimplification, but it really is that simple.)
  19. I'm not acting like I'm heads and tails smarter than everybody here, although in these subjects, I could probably hang with the best TBD has to offer.
  20. You're kidding right? Don't be arrogant. You have no idea who you are "lecturing" about this subject.
  21. I'm so glad i found this corner of TBD.
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