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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. I think his avatar does all the talking.
  2. Partly because there is nobody sharing the market, or any significant overlap. Like Baltimore and Washington, SF and Oakland, the New Jersey teams... There is a real dense cluster of teams between Carolina and Boston, and that hurts their numbers, as a percentage. What else do we have up here?
  3. Or you're on a budget. That said, like many Americans, I have a shotgun for that. There is little reason. Reason being, I am little. If this was an open carry state, I would never leave home without a 1911, and that would be the only handgun I owned.
  4. Because in NYS there is no open carry. If you are in public and someone can tell you have a gun, they can make your life very miserable. I wouldn't otherwise care if people knew I had a gun. I would rather they did know.
  5. just stop. We are talking about the .380 auto, which is a .38 cal bullet. It does fine ballistically at distances under 50 ft. What we aren;t talking about is a specific gun, and as you have said, the quality of work on the gun can cripple performance. That, however, is not what we are talking about. I'm not talking about recoil. I'm saying that at my weight, it is difficult to conceal. I'm no stranger to recoil. I own a medium frame .45acp, which I shoot regularly. Not a problem. The problem is that I find it difficult to CARRY anything larger than a compact pistol without wearing excessively baggy clothing. You say that if you cant adapt to the situation, bad things will happen. I say, anything I can do to help me adapt to the situation, be it larger chamberings, more rounds, or even a laser sight, will sway the odds in my favor. You can train as much as you want (or as much as the law allows, in states with ammo restrictions and cost prohibitive legislation) but you never know what you will do when the SHTF. Just this summer someone broke into my house at 2am. I rolled out of bed, grabbed my trusty 870, and investigated the noise I heard, thinking a cat knocked something over. When the invader saw the lights turn on, he scooted. Then I looked down and realized I was wielding an empty gun. I have hundreds, if not thousands of hours at the range, and have taken a home defense class. Things happen in high adrenaline situations. Took the police 7 minutes to arrive, fwiw.
  6. Or browse ANY active thread. Someone always brings it up.
  7. On a Sunday morning at the Ralph, I can spend ten minutes in the parking lot and find 100 things worse.
  8. If you cant knock someone down in a dark or dimly lit setting with an underpowered pistol that doesn't quite fit your hands and has crappy sights seconds after you are roused from your slumber by the sound of breaking glass downstairs, you don't deserve to live.
  9. I'm bringing home invasion into this because I would rather buy one gun than two. Your Glock was a beast, but stopping power doesn't mean dick if you cant hit anything with it, and all the range time in the world can't prepare you for a life or death situation. Tipping the scales at 135 lbs, it is tough for me to carry a full frame handgun without people noticing, therefore I have to rely on these underpowered rounds, and I want to make sure every shot counts, especially now that I am only allowed 7. And again I state that the laser sight is of the utmost importance for safety reasons. The person acting in self defense is liable for each round that exits the muzzle of his or her firearm. I don't want to sail a quarter ounce of expanding lead into someones property, or worse, an innocent bystander.
  10. Most home invasions happen at night, so there is no guarantee that the attacker is going to see the gun, but sure as hell they will see that little pulsing red light. This highlights the problems with this conversation. The reason many people are for these bans is that they react without knowing anything about the targets of the legislation. Someone hears .380 auto and all they think "huge gun with endless fire." Meanwhile, the only gun you know, that Glock is undeniably more lethal than what you are bashing. Congrats, btw. Your Glock with its 17 round mag is illegal in nys.
  11. Looking at the pic, I believe that is a Browning Citori, which is made in Japan, fwiw. Also, as I mentioned earlier, that barrel is ported. Ironic because one of the things mentioned in gun control discussion is compensators and gas porting, because they reduce muzzle rise and allow for better follow up shots. Apparently those things are unnecessary in sporting applications.
  12. all you have done here is show that you know nothing about guns. .380 acp (which is a .38 cal pistol round, smaller than a 9mm) is one of the most popular personal defense rounds in America. Honestly, it is the smallest I would go. acp stands for automatic colt pistol. the automatic part just refers to the way it loads, not the firing mechanism. people like laser sites for 2 reasons. 1) in a situation where you are forced to actually use the firearm, you want to make sure the rounds are going where you want and not, you know, crashing into your childrens bedroom. 2) sometimes just seeing a dot on your chest is enough to scare you into stopping what you are doing, so whatever is going on can be stopped without shooting.
  13. ported barrels are for kittys.
  14. You forgot to mention that this will be their second big show since moving.
  15. attention tbd: the search is over. we have found someone who hates schlepp and the lapdog as much as we do.
  16. someone should buy one and have it shipped to brett favre.
  17. 1) the dude plays injured. hes pretty banged up by the end of the year. 2) our definition of "the offseason" is very different from theirs. 3) what we consider "working out" is far different from what pros call working out. maybe he needs the time off at the end of the year. stevie is the least of our worries.
  18. The Jets taking another USC QB.
  19. this. it is just selfish and shows disregard for the rules or the rest of the team. if we draft him, mario will have to put a lock on his fridge.
  20. t buy handguns like that here. most of the guns were in crappy shape.
  21. I have done this before in Rochester, a couple months ago. Got harassed by the fuzz, but I stuck around and didn't see anything worth buying.
  22. false. six other teams have white helmets. The only other team in the league with red helmets right now is KC. Would you rather emulate the Colts or the Chiefs? In my opinion, the red helmets made them harder to see on the field. the whole uniform kind of blended together. That said, I would love to see an alternate red uniform.
  23. whitner benefits from strong lb and d line play. the niners can keep him. resign byrd.
  24. http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/28/us/boy-scouts-policy/index.html I don't like the outside pressure on this issue, however as a member I welcome the potential change. , I've thought it hypocritical of the BSA to place such emphasis on one part of their oath "morally straight," while at the same time they ignore hte part of the oath regarding physical fitness. All jokes aside, in my experience, the biggest anti gay crusaders that I have witnessed in my scouting career have also been the biggest people I have encountered in my scouting career.
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