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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. and now we can finally kiss gangham style goodbye.
  2. good. call. i change mine to cuoco.the girl next door vibe does it for me.
  3. Another one bites the dust. McGee gone, per Bills Text.
  4. "She has great eyes"
  5. He doesn't stand a chance in court. This dude doesn't have a leg to stand on.
  6. giselle. three reasons: tom might become depressed without her leaving the division wide open, shes hot, and maybe her anger will keep the animals away. garbage plates and loganberry. as for tv... telemundo. gotta brush up on my spanish.
  7. Decisions decisions...
  8. So in short, this "great article" isn't so great?
  9. Yes. Because in a sport like wrestling, this is the pinnacle. This is our "NFL."
  10. i don't know what youre talking about. it isnt like they killed the world's oldest sport in the name of politics or anything...
  11. Don't forget racewalking, ping pong, and seventy two different types of swimming. The most pure form of athletic competition has to prove itself worthy to be on the program of an event that it has been good enough to be a part of since the dawn of time.
  12. exactly. twitter is just a medium for those reporting to get their info out. the credibility comes with the person or organization reporting, not the type of media used.
  13. This is the norm in Europe. A good book on this topic is "Murder in Amsterdam." Its a pretty quick read and surprisingly unbiased.
  14. This. Bittersweet moment. Great guy, but it's time to win.
  15. And near tourist attractionshttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/25/empire-state-building-shooting-nypd-bullets-shot-all-nine_n_1830007.html
  16. Agree. Besides, if you cant win in the division, the rest doesn't matter. Focus on the six big ones, the rest fall into place.
  17. Just because we havent resigned him yet doesnt mean we wont. I'll start to worry in about a month.
  18. Too many incidents of cops shooting innocent people. We should ban them.
  19. hey man, the worst is still the worst. who is the worst owner of the bills?
  20. this is different. this one is in caps lock.
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