and now for the completely inappropriate, yet awesome, link at the bottom of the article.
Thanks for the responses! is last year's flier. Exhibits, prizes, players, more cheerleaders...
A friend and I are planning on going down to NY to hopefully get into Radio City Music Hall. If anyone here has been recently, I have some questions.
I want to know what time I should get in line. It says the line starts at 10pm on wednesday and they hand out the wristbands at midnight, but does a line start before then? Is it usually a mob scene? Is it usually as difficult to get into day 2?
Also, I could only find the pdf release from RCMH and the NFL fom last year, and I cannot seem to find this years. Is it just not out yet?
Lastly, am I worrying about this more than I need to?
Apparently he is going to be splitting wood with Marrone. It would explain the concern for the weather because he doesn't want the axe to slip out of his hands.
I've seen this before. It's just radioactive particles hitting the image sensor. The way it was explained to me, it is a similar scientific phenomena to the northern lights.
That doesn't mean I don't think that there is intelligent life out there. This just isn't it.
I hope its not us, I hope its not us, I hope its not us, I hope its not us, I hope its not us, I hope its not us, I hope its not us, I hope its not us, I hope its not us...
Or do I? AHHHHHHHH!!!! NOOOO!!! No? Maybe... No.
actually, it isnt how our system was designed. those first ten ammendments were put there to protect minorities from just that, the inevitable tyranny of the masses, which can be just as threatening to natural rights as authoritarian rule.
1. you make it seem like all we need on this football team is a qb.2. theres no guarantee that we wont be in position to draft him next year.
im sick of playing for next year all the time. it is one thing when you are at the end of a losing season, but going into the year... just play to win.