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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. So they did this for a 5-6 swap? The pats basically only moved back a dozen spots for him?
  2. TAMU absolutely spanking UNC so far.
  3. It's over. They can't stop Dillard.
  4. Yeah, they tried, but they may not have had enough to get there.
  5. My only hope is that they tried to get to two, but the Giants told them someone is already offering them more for the pick.
  6. So UMBC is stealing my attention from Cuse.
  7. This crowd is on the wagon, booing every call that doesn't go Buffalos way. I love it.
  8. I feel like I'm watching the game through a skylight in the arena.
  9. Lamar Jackson is already a bust. We're still weeks away from the draft, already a bust. Who needs to pump the brakes here?
  10. Once the combine is over, I don't trust any insider information. At this point, it's all just subterfuge.
  11. He comes across so incredibly insecure, but at the same time, I think you have to be pretty secure to french your son.
  12. Yes, but not in the way that you think.
  13. More than I thought we would get. This is gonna be fun.
  14. I have images running through my head of CNN covering a ceremonial meeting between Kim and Trump mediated by Rodman.
  15. The rule says that the 200 mile rule applies to the waitlist, right? Maybe this is a sign of how many STs they anticipate selling this year.
  16. ... And Oats gets a 5 year extension. Good day for UBMBB.
  17. If Dawkins was a similar talent at a different position, I'd agree with you. But trading away a very promising OT to get a rookie QB is like selling your tires to put gas in your car.
  18. That's not what you said. You said they're JUST a lobbying group, and that they no longer are at the forefront of supporting gun safety. At my summer camp and hundreds like it across the country, NRA Instructors educated kids in facilities funded with NRA grant money, using volumes of NRA published material. If not for the NRA, our camp might not have had a successful shooting sports program.
  19. Do you have any evidence of this, or are you just passing along something you heard recently? As someone who has overseen firearms education programs for several years at youth camps, I can say without a doubt that you are mistaken.
  20. The chances someone with a handgun has against someone with an ar15 in a setting like a school are pretty good. Given the choice, I'd much rather be the teacher with the handgun than the shooter with the rifle.
  21. Well, they screwed up the billion dollar launch pad meant for the SLS. https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2018/02/sls-ml-leaning-not-corrective-work/
  22. Your third paragraph really stands out to me. I think you're falling victim to your ignorance of firearms. At the risk of sounding morbid or insensitive, an autoloading shotgun or semiautomatic handgun would be probably as effective in a school shooting as a semiautomatic rifle, the handgun possibly more so. Both of those have been in production and readily available to citizens since well before the World War 1. One of the biggest reasons handguns aren't used as much is because many big box stores that sell cheap guns, Wal Mart for example, make it company policy not to stock handguns.
  23. 2.5. I think that some of the regulations we have now, specifically the NICS check, is being half-assed. The most blatant example is that one of the recent mass shooters had purchased the firearm AFTER he had been dishonorably discharged from the military. If that information can't be passed between the DOD and the FBI, two federal agencies, what the hell is the point? Start there.
  24. Maybe people are "missing the point" of your posts because you're not communicating effectively. I mean, I'm still waiting for you to explain why an individual can't possibly affected by handgun fire just because they're carrying a rifle.
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