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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. Russell Wilson. I was so disappointed when he didn't end up here. I'm a short guy, so that might have something to do with it. Used to be Ray Lewis. That guy was a maniac.
  2. So, if I am understanding you correctly, you're wondering, perhaps, what happens next?
  3. According to the billsmafia site, it is going to be held at the Wings lot on California.
  4. Why would I care at all that a team in the opposite corner of the country won anything?
  5. I think you're sitting under the wrong bridge.
  6. Who knows? Ask Polian. I was kind of being sarcastic. I am of the opinion that there are more realistic and logical moves in the NFL than Buffalo going anywhere, especially to LA.
  7. Get out of here. Quit badmouthing America, ya communist. Go back to wherever you came from!
  8. It's a different game, using slightly different types of athletes. We would have had a better chance merging the NFL and the XFL.
  9. Thank God Ralph was from Buffalo, and didn't live elsewhere, or he would have moved the team somewhere else in order to make more money!
  10. We're spending hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on that?
  11. I was expecting spiders to be the one thing that scares you most. I am hoping and praying that we all can look back in 20 years and laugh at how foolish it was to worry about this.
  12. God I miss the XFL.
  13. ...and its all gonna start in Canton. It's gonna be an invasion.
  14. 2015: The Bills win not only the Super Bowl, but the World Series, NBA championship, and the Stanley Cup. A handful of fans are still unhappy.
  15. What if they moved to LA, left the name here, and became the Braves, just to spite us? Everything would come full circle.
  16. Per Jills fb page,They have decided not to operate on JK, deciding radiation and chemo as the best course of therapy. Can't be good.
  17. Bad football is better than no football. Ask Cleveland.
  18. So what's going in the OLD press box area?
  19. that is awesome
  20. The team would never move to NF Ont. They would be on the American side, if anything.
  21. Yeah, I usually quickly identify posters by their avatar. I almost just responded to one of my own posts, not realizing it was me.
  22. I am so hopeful for this happening. UB could use that kind of landmark. The program is certainly picking up some steam.
  23. Um... all we have is pass rushers.
  24. I'm genuinely nervous about this. Not "jump off a bridge" nervous, more like "stagger around the streets shell shocked" nervous.
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