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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. Lon Trotsky lol. Reminds me of the dog in I Love You, Man named Anwar Sadat.
  2. No way. That thing has buttons. And a collar. Also, it looks like Bianca has lost weight.
  3. I don't think it is odd at all. Bills fans have been kind of distracted by the death of an owner and one of our icons battling health issues. If you aren't in jail, fighting cancer, or causing a scene at the airport, you aren't getting any airtime.
  4. I wear a lot of tight sweaters out on Friday nights. They work really well on college girls, but unfortunately they work on guys too.
  5. I had a gay guy approach me last weekend. I think my roommate paid him to do it, but it still made me think about buying new clothes.
  6. I wish I could look that into guys and still pulla supermodel.
  7. No, but we wouldn't be able to make nearly as many jokes.
  8. Every college student has done this. I've saved hundreds of dollars this way.
  9. ¡Me gusta! I hear Niagara Falls is nice during football season.
  10. Doug Marrone has ______ type of cancer.
  11. Possibly. Sounds like we're gonna be pumped up for too long and lose some of our elasticity. If we are pumped up for more than four months we should talk to a doctor.
  12. Last year I thought I was going to miss the draft. I was in Costa Rica and every bar in the small town I was in was showing this big soccer match. I stumbled across a little bar that was showing the draft, but the only other people in the place were five fans of the NE Patriots. I was very uncomfortable all night. Being the only one who could speak Spanish, I had to explain to the bartender what the NFL draft was, why we wanted to watch it, and how much I hate the other guys' team. I'm glad they couldn't understand what I was telling the guy.
  13. He has that douchey stoner frat boy face. But I would much rather punch Tom Brady in his pretty boy suck hole.
  14. I don't see any way he sidesteps this.
  15. Doug Marrone called. He says he obviously likes your take.
  16. I'm gonna call Mike Jasper to make sure he's OK.
  17. I'm saying that they could easily shred this guy.
  18. I bet the crab isn't pressing charges because there was some other criminal activity going on. Put the right pressure on him and I bet he cracks. boom.
  19. I agree with everything. OBD has been very quiet about the dude. Story wise, can you imagine? The Bills draft party is in alumni arena next Thursday. How fast do you think they could get him from RCMH to Amherst?
  20. In Buffalo, that IS average.
  21. The Bills should turn it into a completely volunteer unpaid position. Since they're all interns, I support the idea of cramming them the Monicas.
  22. I'm betting the Rams are dangling the second overall.
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