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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. I went to Google Earth to ESCAPE all the other depressing stuff. This was just the cherry on top.
  2. So it's almost finals week at college and I have nothing important to do. On top of that, I am starting to hit my limit for mock drafts and synthetic dope discussions. So I've been zooming around on Google Earth. I like to look at the 3D renderings they do of important buildings and landmarks. I decided to check out NFL stadiums. 3D models have been made of all but one stadium. Guess which one...
  4. Dude, if I had to pick a song it would have to be Whip It by Devo. Or if I played defensive back it would be Safety Dance.
  5. Yeah, him and hundreds of other draft prospects.
  6. Its just as plausable as him being a lazy slug. Besides, I put a qualifier in there lol.
  7. Yeah, first of all, Ray Lewis didn't kill anybody. Do a little research. Second of all, it seems like he's had to "stand up and be a man" his entire life. Depression is a tough thing to deal with, if that's what is going on. No amount of money in the world will fix anything. You can't just ignore it make it away, tough guy.
  8. I really don't think everybody understands exactly what he was caught with. It isn't marijuana.
  9. I was under the impression that the shindig at Alumni Arena IS the Bills party that is usually in the fieldhouse.
  10. Yup. And maybe even if they don't.
  11. Yeah, but would we notice if he did?
  12. Ugh. Why? Synthetic pot is freaking terrible for you. This may never get old.
  13. That was a great read. To see that they were involved in the Lambeau renovation should be good news for the "update RWS" crowd, as it could be possible for them to recommend that. They're starting Monday? And they want the reports finished in under 2 months? Dang, this thing might be moving even faster than anybody here thought.
  14. Yeah. It was mentioned in the Kentucky Derby thread. I think...
  15. Sal and JBus are the two that I can deal with. They don't belong on that sad excuse for a sports radio station. I think that if you paired the Bulldog with somebody else, he would probably seem adequate at least.
  16. It's like the Midas touch, except everything turns to crap. In all seriousness, it's a pretty nifty app. Draft previews, renovation updates, stuff like that.
  17. Stevie J doesn't dress much different from this.
  18. In before Michael Sam joke.
  19. It's like the opposite of a Belinda. People think this thread was rough... Can you imagine pulling a Koshinski in PPP?
  20. This is always fun. My group is gonna consist of two Bills fans, a fins fan, a jets fan, and a bucs fan. So much poop talking.
  21. Kowalski: Ralph is cheap, SFDWTT.
  22. I hope Thurman puts this on his gravestone.
  23. You post with almost zero context, then get mad when people ask for clarification. Awesome.
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