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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. WOOSH. Duh. I hate myself.
  2. According to the 96.5 WCMF Facebook page, they're on the ban bandwagon. Banwagon? (Ban)dwagon? Whatever.
  3. And of course the WGR app pulls a Randy Moss on me tonight. I guess I'm just gonna have to wait for the podcast to get posted.
  4. Well I'm not expecting a super bowl in Buffalo under any circumstances, so there's no disappointment either way.
  5. Is there any way the Batavia site speculation is tied to Golisano?
  6. Then they had better hope the product on the team is better by then. A lot of people lately have been able to justify attending these disappointing games only because of the tailgating.
  7. He's like a grown up version of Justin Beiber.
  8. I need to start a band...
  9. He's been doing radiation as well. He has four rad treatments to go, according to Jill's twitter.
  10. I'm assuming Skelton goes into the "other" category...
  11. I'm so jealous of my parents for being at that game. The way my mother tells the story of my stubborn ass of a father refusing to leave is what got me hooked on Kool Aid. If I had a time machine and could only visit one one event in the past, I know where I would be. Gettysburg Address? Nope. Signing of the Declaration of Independence? Yeah right. Fall of the Berlin Wall? As if. Without hesitation I would be there.
  12. FWIW, according to bb.com, Henderson has been lined up at LT this weekend.
  13. Thousand? Don't you mean million?
  14. Yup. All because of the song playing in the background.
  15. Wait wait wait. He has a point. I thought this when I first read Kraft's comments. Of course he wants them to stay here. We're a doormat, and he doesn't want anything to change that might affect that status. It isn't just about having the money to sign free agents either. Where does a young single guy with money want to spend his time? Buffalo? Hell no, LA. That being said, this team isn't going anywhere.
  16. What if the real reason the team had Kaufman bulk up was to block more effectively for screen passes?
  17. %itscatchingon
  18. This is going to come across somewhat richardesque, but I won't be able to stop myself from busting a gut when everybody is yelling "Ralph, Ralph, Ralph."
  19. I totally forgot they won the WS.
  20. What is that big azz ring Russ is wearing?
  21. Quick screens don't work in the NFL. Somebody should tell the patriots*.
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