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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. Awesome dream: What if he buys the Clippers and the Bills and moves the Clippers back here? Terrible nightmare: What if he buys the Clippers and the Bills and moves the Bills to LA? YES.
  2. There should be a button under each post where you can buy a poster a drink through PayPal.
  3. I think it will be Golisano. While I'm OK with that, I would much rather the Jacobs family. I would also be more than OK with Pegula, Rich, or Mary Wilson keeping the team.
  4. Yeah, that's enough for me. I'm in.
  5. Forgive my ignorance, but where exactly is the land they're talking about? Or is that unknown? Edit- never mind!
  6. Define wierdo... Like, nerdy or freaky?
  7. Exactly. Doesn't matter how awesome your man cave us, you can't replicate the stadium atmosphere.
  8. That's a championship game though. Imagine if the Bills had a dome with a decent jumbotron and they were playing in the super bowl. I'm sure they could fill the stadium if they did something like this.
  9. What if its the last pick? Does that cringe turn into a grin?
  10. Even if they suck, you won't regret it... unless you live really far away. Bad games can make for some pretty depressing car rides.
  11. Purchasing season tickets was the best drunken decision I have ever made.
  12. Week 12 for sure. Followed closely by EJ getting hurt. Although "Pettine and Manziel are headed to super bowl whatever it is this year" would be cause to pound my head on the table.
  13. If my name was Bill, I'd be offended.
  14. Start placing your bets! I'm guessing Outer Harbor, Amherst, and Orchard Park. I'm also going to predict that the fourth option they present is a renovation.
  15. This is awesome. Other investors in the league include Jaws, Michael Irvin, Kurt Warner, Ditka, and Mark Wahlberg. I gotta find a Bangalore Warhawks jersey...
  16. Isn't that the name of one of the agents in Criminal Minds?
  17. I don't think penalties should be reviewable, except for things like illegal touching or offsides types of things that are black and white. While on the topic of replays, they really need to make two major changes in my opinion. They need to conduct replays more like the NHL, and take the judgment away from the on field refs, because that process takes way too long. Also, I hate how a coach can't challenge inside two minutes. I understand that a major reason for that rule is so that they don't turn into extended timeouts, but an NHL style replay system could fix that issue. There could be other conditions on it, too. Like if a team has both of their challenges remaining or had won both of them in the game, they can use one inside the tmw.
  18. Blue and orange are complementary colors.
  19. But the senators aren't residents of the city. They just work there. Not to mention the fact that many of them don't even stay in the city when they are in session.
  20. I'm pretty indifferent on this issue, and can see both sides, but I'm uncomfortable with politicians getting involved. Let society influence Snyder through the market, which it will probably succeed in doing in the near future.
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