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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. I got a letter in the mail today: Crappy football is better than no football. Yours truly, Cleveland fans
  2. Yeah, how would the capital gains tax work with this? What if he rolls the money from the sale right into the purchase of the team?
  3. Hmm... I have a PBR football shirt that I wear sometimes. I feel like I could rock that at games. I mean, the colors work.
  4. I would still sit in the 200 level corner. You know, after I bought the team.
  5. Things are about to start going down. This is gonna be a fun ride.
  6. Actually, most of the Native Americans I regularly interact with are more offended by the use of the word "reservation" than the term "redskin."
  7. The canoe canal is going to turn out to be the main artery though.
  8. I don't like shopping at Tops. I do like food though. How do I possibly get by?
  9. I would be on the fence with that but in the end would probably give up my tickets. Any other location in Canada and I would be done.
  10. Which, if I'm not mistaken, would be completely legal.
  11. While I don't think this stadium site is a bad idea... I'M SO SICK OF PETITIONS. Every little issue that comes up goes straight to change.org.
  12. Did he use the words " on like a mofo?"
  13. I don't think its a moral position so much as worrying about a key player being benched by the Commish.
  14. Probably not, if it results in suspensions.
  15. Except that in this case, the name would make no sense at all, not that anybody outside of this area really has given the name any thought...
  16. You. Cannot. Be serious. How hard is it to just not do stupid things?
  17. I know Marino and Polian are playing in the golf tournament tomorrow. Berman, Tasker, Reed, Bennett, Bruce Smith, and several others are expected, too.
  18. Maybe there will be a football franchise in Miami someday too.
  19. Or they just don't learn.
  20. This argument doesn't make sense to me. A new stadium isn't a given. Suppose an out of towner buys the team. The stadium as it sat last year was barely adequate. In six more years years the stadium would be woefully outdated. Now the facilities are up to date at the very least, and the renovation shows a good faith effort by the county and state to work with the team to give them a decent place to play.
  21. October 15 @1:15pm
  22. I Know there are Duffs and LaNova locations in the stadium itself, but is there any truth to the rumor of Tempo putting a satellite location right in the offices?
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