I remember when I decided to not go to a home game again. It was the Houston Comeback game, and I have a ticket stub to prove it. Three idiots showed up in the same lot I parked in. They were obviously losers, they arrived in a light blue Ford Escort wagon, I'm sure they all lived with their parents in a basement apartment. They looked to be in their early 20s, and they were drinking like it was the last day beer was on the planet. One of them was drinking a low-level whiskey. He was a particular idiot, adorned in a yellow rain slicker that had Lackawanna Police on the back of it. This clown threw a cheap whiskey and ice drink at a visiting fan wearing a Warren Moon jersey. The other two were equally offensive. One had a welding hat that had a snap on clip that he tried to display like a helmet chin guard. We all laughed at them.
The irony is that they ended up in our section when the game started. The guy with the welder's hat was particularly obnoxious, and stood in front of us for kickoff. We asked him to leave and he shouted a bunch of obscenities. The other two clowns were also obviously inebriated and behaved poorly though the first half. They were all escorted out of the stadium at halftime, shouting that they thought the Bills sucked and they would cheer for Cleveland after this. They ended up missing the greatest playoff game ever, and I decided to never expose my son, who has Tourette's syndrome, to such behavior again. The funny thing is those idiots mentioned that they were going to the the Sabres game that night. No chance they made it there.
Go Bills-nice game v Jax today!! Playoffs in 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!