Here is one person's opinion about the game.
1) Who is that load wearing #74? Whoever he is, he can go anytime. He needs to be 'Private Pyled' one of these nights in the barracks. He is giving the starting O line a bad rap. Thanks to this guy, I have to hear "needs to be angry guy" rant about how bad the line sucks, how bad Drew sucks ad nauseaum here, because the line did not suck, and Drew did not suck. Sorry, but that's the way it was.
2) Drew Bledsoe looks good. People have to just get over it and move on. He does not look great, mind you (see #3 below), but good. That whole patting the ball thing, so what. I saw him roll left, yes, roll left, to avoid a defender who was let in, of course, by #74, and throw a low dart out pass right into the receiver's hands.
And yes, he was terrible last year.
3) I don't know what is happening, but every time 3rd down rolls around, it's like that movie "Space Jam". I think aliens come and sap the talent out of these guys, but for one down only. I guess I can't complain too much, the Colts didn't convert one either.
4) Coy Wire should be playing FS, not SS ( Actually, he should be playing LB so he should be in the CFL)
5) I only saw one thing that that can be construed as a coaching flaw. It was a third down, of course, a call was made for a fake draw-pass kind of thing, and DB was sacked, again, thanks to #74. I will give Tom Clements the benefit of the doubt and say that he may have done that because he does not have Travis Henry until the regular season.
6) Ok, who can we bring in as a #2 for 10 weeks or so? I'm afraid of what the answer might be.