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Everything posted by bobblehead

  1. But then again, it could just be me. I've heard and read just about everything that has and could have been said over the last two weeks, so now anybody I hear will just sound like blah blah blah meh blah.
  2. Yeah, but I think that he was fed everything from S and B, and he just grunted and agreed for 20 minutes... sorry, just had to rant about this... I'm probably grunting, too.
  3. I just might make it this time. Calls for chili, I say.
  4. ..... are you kidding? the island is inhabited by A FLYING, MAN EATING GIGANTIC POLAR BEAR? I wasn't expecting it to be sci-fi when I first heard of the show, but this is just plain whacked out. Still a pretty good show, though.
  5. (sports writer for the Boston Globe) If you did, did you come away with anything,anything at all from it? This guy was interviewed for 20 minutes, given quite a few questions concerning the game, Drew, Belichek's book, the win streak, the Bills' rep around the league, etc, etc.... Yet he said absolutely nothing. "ahh, unnggh ahh, well, they're a good team, ahh, unnh". Not one thing that you could remotely consider insight, or even opinion on these subjects. I guess subpar journalism is not uniquely inherent to Buffalo. Rant over, keep moving, folks.
  6. There has to be a way to rip Donahoe in this thread...
  7. People are not reacting to this, IMO, because it was not your garden variety A-hole who made the comments. BB is known for his cool demeanor and quiet, straight forward persona, couple that with his record v. ours and it's pretty tough to just dismiss this as bulletin-board fodder. corollary: He may be an A-hole, and the Pats may be the dirt wedged in the tread of my shoe, but how can you over-react to his comments when you know he is right? The only reaction left is to try to improve yourself.
  8. Is it safe to go ahead and call him the new Alvin Harper yet?
  9. So who was driving? Thank you. I'm here all week.
  10. Safe to say that it will be hard to get good tickets for this?
  11. No matter what anyone says, what JP does (or did in the past), or what anyone sees, this will never go away, will it? Someone will always say this, even when it's based entirely on squat.
  12. The blue field is unique and kinda cool, but Boise State wears these uniforms that are the same blue color with pinkish trim! That is just too much to watch. The players dissappear in the field. Also, they were playing BYU tonight on ESPN, and they have butt ugly uniforms this year, so it was a visual abortion to watch tonight.
  13. What articles are you talking about that discuss the possibily of relocation? Seriously, what articles are you talking about, because I'm hard pressed to find any.
  14. Cup technology has not quite kept up with other football-ish technologies, such as helmet technology, or neck pad technology, or even rib cage jacket technology. Maybe everyone is holding out for the custom-fitted kevlar cup.
  15. Also, I'm not sure we can afford another high #1 again so soon anyways, even if we had it, I would want to trade it for a vets or lower rounders, and who knows that we can't get that anyways next year?
  16. That's a different question, I don't know. I saw that kid Evans run behind a prevent coverage last Sunday, that was pretty freaking cool, but I'm not sure the answer is no, yet. Is that acceptable? Given the fact that the #13 pick was over and done with, and that on draft day Buffalo started shopping that trade to everyone from #14 on, and that Dallas was the first team to bite, and that Green Bay was ready to take Losman first (all this heresay, of course), I stand by the statement that it was a good trade.
  17. That was a good move.
  18. Sounds similar to what happened to Minnesota last night. Terrell Owens' TD reception looked like it hit the ground, but the Vikes' claimed to not have a replay video available (or enough time) to challenge it. Philly was real quick to get the PAT off, and ABC was too busy showing TO act like a retard to show the replay ( that is how teams get their replay looks, from broadcast feeds, right? anyone?)
  19. I don't know who wrote this, but I will start taking him seriously the day he actually says this to Len Pasquarelli's face.
  20. Wow, the bottom 6 have the Bucs, 49'ers and Dolphins. I'm having a hard time adjusting my eyes to that. Doesn't take long to suck in this league.
  21. Some talking head somewhere in NFL journalist land said that J.P. Losman was "either the next Brett Favre or the next Jeff George". - If we want to try to avoid having J.P. become the next Jeff George, I would suggest keeping Jeff George away.
  22. Trying not to be manipulated by a Jeff George 'feel good' article. Considering how competitive this league is about every little detail, there has to be a reason why George is not on someone's roster. I mean, Denver tried him out. Denver, of the Jake Plummer Denvers, and yet George is not playing for Denver.
  23. I guess your post was ignored..
  24. I doubt the producers of the show considered it wasted time.
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