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Everything posted by bobblehead

  1. Rice's affiliation with the number 80 is best identified with the 49'ers. IMO, when you leave the team you are historically identified with, your number, then, should be irrelevant. I know that's not how the players feel, but that's the way I see it. Besides, the Seahawks uniforms are so butt ugly to begin with, why should he care? Whatever number he wears, he is going to look like a piece of sinus phlegm anyway.....
  2. Pedro was throwing some heat, old-time Pedro 97 mph kind of heat. I'm guessing that Francona knew Pedro was going to be able to do this (maybe from pre-game warmups, or maybe Pedro telling him this?), and that since his Wakefield plan was scrapped to to Lowe's effectiveness, why not use Pedro? Since he could, if things started to go south, get Embree in there in order to get the Sox to Timlin in the 8th.
  3. I guessing these national media reporters are of the same ilk that annually pick the Dolphins to make the playoffs.
  4. It's hot-dogging. I think they have the bat boy pine-tar up all thier helmets everyday for effect. They are the 2nd highest paid team in baseball, I think they can afford some soap.
  5. Maybe you should consider moving?
  6. link?
  7. That you are bitter? yes, I get the picture. What exactly is wrong with this? It's not like he is breaking the bank here.
  8. That's great and all, but your post stated he was "overrated", not "not as good as Joe Montana".
  9. meaning?
  10. ...."The replay revealed that the helmet gained control of the ball beyond the first down maker making it first down, New England" .
  11. That was wrong. The Patriots were only talking to him.
  12. All of our opponents are chalking us up as a win.
  13. Maybe he thinks that Travis is better?
  14. You may have seen a thread - but it was wrong. And George Siefert is a high motor guy.
  15. I'm guessing they did. I mean, no one has picked up Shaw yet.......
  16. or 'were' running the asylum, anyways...
  17. I think Lewis is overrated. No facts, just IMO
  18. Speaking of that, I saw Drew ripping hard into Lee Evans for an apparent missed route, then saw Evans respond in the next few series by both making a tough catch in traffic as well as throwing a nice block for Willis McGahee.
  19. I'm glad to hear that you spent your birthday scoping out Tahoes chicks. Happy Birthday!
  20. It must have been meant as a message to the rest of the ESPN staff.
  21. I heard that incest was relative.
  22. Tip: They are not as SYT as you think...
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