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Everything posted by bobblehead

  1. Sorry, but "not having a mandate" is a total crock. The GOP won the White House again, the house, the senate, and Tom Daschle has been voted out. If I saw it right last night, 25% identified "moral values" as the main issue, that means the far right voted him in. Why on earth would the GOP need to be concerned with bi-partisanship on anything? The majority of the US may indeed be moderate to slightly right of moderate, but politically they have been effectively silenced. I see no reason for the GOP to have make any bi-partisanship efforts whatsoever on any issue.
  2. I really, really wanted to vote Libertarian this year, but I found Badnarik to be more of a waffler than Kerry when interviewed.
  3. Well, yeah, but exit polls are not going away anytime soon, so I would rather it be done by legitimate methods than what we are seeing pop up already today.
  4. All these do is tarnish legitimate exit pollers and make it more difficult for them to conduct exit polls in the future.
  5. This is before today, and not this early exit poll monkey business, right?
  6. You turned that over in 5 minutes? Dude...
  7. No, you both said keep Bannan at left guard. Can he even pass block?
  8. We match up well against the Jets.
  9. Sobieski is on the shelf for the year, so I don't know about him. McFarland is, well, a bit small for Tackle, IMO. Pucillo just flat out sucks. Teague stays, he has improved. Tucker will have to make the team. Williams stays at Tackle. Jennings is gone. So, Teague, Williams, Villerial stay. Sobieski and Tucker to try out at camp. Jennings, McFarland, Pucillo gone.
  10. "And don't forget the triple chin and sausage fingers!"
  11. A-holeness is not inherently partisan.
  12. I'm sick of the word !@#$, but I see it's been addressed already, I feel safe.
  13. nevermind.. Todd, Nod and I were 133 second row, I thought we might have been right behind you..
  14. What were your seat #'s?
  15. Does this mean we can talk about jailbait pop star girls again tomorrow ?
  16. If it means that everything you need to run a team in the NFL will fit in a Mayflower van, than stevestojan, I should just buy the team! I hope you all like bumblebee-looking uniforms, suckers! *Dr. Evil-inspired laugh*
  17. I have him on ignore, but let me guess, Evans is not used, Reed sucks, Aiken is not used, should have kept Shaw. Am I close?
  18. The Fitzgerald meltdown in the first quarter was especially tasty.
  19. Yeah, Steinbach is the one glaring choice there, but the McGahee pick is looking good.
  20. BTW: Also, the over/under was 12 minutes, also apparently
  21. That would not have been lighthearted enough, apparently.
  22. Calling out a carpetbagger is negative ignorance? i'm going to just assume that he doesn't know what that means.
  23. She's a carpetbagger. (what's the over/under on the time before the obvious punch line post?)
  24. I know the feeling, being a republican in NY means that you amount to jack squat nationally. There are benefits, though; no one calls you, no one polls you, TV ads are within a fairly reasonable quantity. No one knocks at your door (Jack Doyle did show up at my doorstep once, though ) You still have to vote, though. Alot of good people died for it, remember.
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