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Everything posted by bobblehead

  1. Please read Pete's post again. Thanks.
  2. ...as the nurses were entering to give him his 'special pills' before his afternoon TV time.
  3. F Belechek, F the Patriots, F F-ing Brady, F Corey Dillon F all of them. I'm sick and tired of people here slurping the glorious spend of Bill f-ing Belechek as if he was the f-ing stevestojan. Hey! People! Wake up, he let a f-ing rookie QB kick their asses! He can call our linemen the f-ing spawn of John F-ing Hannah for all I care. He's smart about dealing with his opponents? F-That! I wouldn't doubt for a second that they are f-ing looking ahead to f-ing KC and Baltimore. I bet they expect to f-ing phone this game in and win! How about us all collectively climbing off Bill Belechek's f-ing jock and get on our guys to kick the f-ing dog stevestojan out the Patriots this Sunday. I want to actually see snot. On television. Flying out of one of their guys from being hit so hard. Please, please make this happen! I want Paul F-ing Maguire to spurt coffee out of his nose from the shock of the f-ing violence that the Bills impose on the f-ing Patriots Sunday night. I want f-ing gieger counters, on the sidelines, registering f-ing mid-category tremors from the plastic to plastic collisions being collectively heaped on the Patriots Sunday night. I want Armen whatever-the-f-his-name-is Kateyen.... oh the hell with it, you know who I mean, to lose his f-ing stevestojan all over his wool trench coat from the massive pummeling taking place on the field. And I don't f-ing care if he is on CBS or not. He can be sitting in his f-ing house for all I care. Just make it so! I want their trainers, and our trainers combined,to run out of gauze, and triangle cravats, and Neosporin, and that red stevestojan your parents slathered all over you as a kid when you scraped yourself up on your bike with the banana seat as a kid from all the bleeding and trauma that will be occuring on the Patriots' asses Sunday night! Go Bills. Have a nice day.
  4. Just as long as they get rid of that stupid red stripe down the sides of the jerseys, everything will be fine.
  5. That screen pass where he shucked 9 guys was unreal.
  6. Chrebet will get shot up and he will play.
  7. It's been awhile....
  8. "My" value system? Does she realize that she just put herself on the same footing as the people she dispises?
  9. If that is the case, then why isn't Teague playing guard?
  10. Just get the specialty plate and see you can get the plate number to be SUCKS. I'd like to see that
  11. girls can kick my ass.
  12. Well, look at it this way, he's explaining the whole voting moral values over medicare rationale.
  13. Mickey's actually on to something here. Although Bush does have a mandate due to the majorities in the house, senate, the loss of Daschle, etc. etc., anyone who tries to downplay a 3% victory and fail to see the consequences of it is just trying to spin towards the right. Also, I also wondered why the Liberals let the Conservatives demonize them (I mean, I don't get liberals at all, but especialy this). Rove made liberalism a four letter word, and the liberals had no answer to that. What was Kerry doing with his "what are labels anyway?" answer? Of course there are labels!
  14. How do you define acting like a proud American, or a proud (insert country here)?
  15. Two years ago I was in Florence, Italy at what turned out to be the same weekend the Europeran Economic Social Forum had their big rally. One million people at the parade, very anti-war, there were deaths from the rioting at the same rally last year. The U.S. mid-term elections took place earlier that week (I was in Rome then, and the headline in the paper I read the next morning was "U.S. Chooses War", that was funny). Anywhoo, back to the rally, the U.S. Consulate in Florence handed me a warning from the State Department that they were giving to tourists to not be in Florence that weekend. Hotels were boarding up their windows, riot police were on all the street corners, paramedic units were being set up all over the city. What I'm getting at is this. I spent the whole weekend there, did the whole tourist thing with no problems whatsoever. I didn't have to "not speak", or hide, or sew a Canadian Flag on my clothes, or avoid people, or any of that crap. There is a lot of conflicting stories being floated about when it comes to treatment of Americans in Europe. All I did was this, it's really simple. I Didn't act like a selfish prick, I didn't make a spectacle of myself and I tried to be respectful. Just like people should act every day, it's no different there than here.
  16. I still think the GOP respected Howard Dean much more than the DNC. I think the whole theory of Dean not being 'electable' though maybe true in the long run, was a bit misguided by the democrats.
  17. Funniest: Tom DeLay on MSNBC saying he wants to reach out to Democrats.
  18. Say what you want about Ditka, and given the Rickey Williams thing aside, but he used to do nothing but draft OL and DL guys. He was onto something. I think we should have a OL carousel going this coming summer, bring in as many as we possibly can. Don't shackle McNally by saying we have to go with what we have to try to win now and let him use the guys the way he wants to.
  19. I would, too. I say the American people took their voting privacy back and gave the pollsters the big old :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  20. Before the election, I would have said that Rumsfeld, Ashcroft and Rice would be gone, as well as Powell and Wolfowitz. Now, I do not see Bush thinking that he needs to change anything. I can not find one reason for Bush to care one bit about political moderation. People say he has no mandate, I say he was given all the mandate he needs last night.
  21. In their prime? stevestojan, I 'd take them present day over the stiffs we got now.
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