Mularkey has been very consistent about this with his personnel decisions. If the team still has any kind of a chance at the playoffs, he is going to play who he thinks is the best guy. Simple as that. People were up in arms about MM not playing Willis sooner, but MM believed that Willis was not ready "He's not ready"- MM actually said that.
I have no reason to believe that MM will change this stance anytime soon. IMO, its becoming apparent that MM is not the kind of coach who will put in a kid just to 'get a spark' or to 'change direction'. As long as the team is 'still in it', he is going to play who he thinks is better, period.
IMO, he only strayed from this thinking twice, and both times were in garbage time and only involved no more than 5 minutes of playing time total.
1) Putting in Matthews during the Bengal game. It was apparent that that was the last time Shane Matthews would ever play in the NFL, so MM, cognizant of that, put him in first. This was a move that might tell others in the leaague that MM was a good coach to play for.
2) Losman in the NE game. That was a direct message to Losman that he needs to be ready, at all times, when he has a uniform on. Injury or not. Also, to stop worrying about your leg, you can play, and you need to be ready, at any time
Now, once one of MM's team's in the future is 'out of it' as far as the playoffs are concerned, who knows what he will do, there is no history on this.
Also, how much longer MM will think Drew is better than any other QB on the team is also in question, but to me, it's pretty obvious that he is not going to change the QB just for the sake of making a change, or to 'spark the team', but to play who he thinks is the better guy, period.
All of this is IMO. Thanks.