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Everything posted by bobblehead

  1. The 'obsession' is somewhat understandable. 1) The best team in our division has the most clutch kicker in the league. 2) Buffalo has, in it's archives, what is arguably the most notorious historical example of a blown clutch kick, ever. 3) Buffalo's current kicker sucks it hard. 4) A potentially great kicker is in the draft this year. I know, that doesn't quite explain "The Whackmaster", but anywhoo... Rather than question the obsession, I question how alot of us feel we have a chance to get him. This guy will be going late first/early second round. We will have to trade up to get him. Has anyone in the league ever traded up to get a kicker?
  2. I'd be leery of anyone judging these NFL guys by how they interview or speak as well. If I did not know who Tom Brady was and just went by what I have heard from him, I would not be rushing out to recruit him for the debate team, either. Or the math club for that matter.
  3. I hear that.. But regarding Nugent, he will be far too hyped up by the time draft day gets here to make it to the middle of the 2nd round. I just don't see us, or anyone for that matter, trading up to get a kicker. Some team is going to bite on the hype and take him early with their scheduled pick, thinking they made a coup by getting him first, and it will probably be worth it, too.
  4. The Whackmaster? No, that's not too gay.
  5. We need to get to work on a giant mural of Rockpile to paint on the wall behind the "rock pile"
  6. Ha! with Peerless' contract, maybe Alvin Harper is/was a poor man's Peerless Price?
  7. The bird looks like a grumpy gus now. Not as stern, yet open to suggestions as before
  8. Randy Moss is #45? No John Abraham? Tedi Bruschi not in the top 50?
  9. Kenneth was on the show last Monday morning, BTW. He's 35 now and doing standup. He tried some out on the air. Hilariously bad.
  10. "Whenever I meet a Dolphins fan in another city, the thing that impresses me is that he always has a really good take on what the hell is going on with his team many miles away." This guy must be of the same media ilk who always pick Miami to make the playoffs.
  11. Any salad tossing goin on?
  12. He was all crunk.
  13. I would take another look at food symbolic of the Patriots' culture. I would start here.
  14. This never gets un-funny! *cough cough-Peerless-cough cough* Hahahahhaha, love it!
  15. People are not getting what is going on here. I heard an interview with Brady where he pretty much admitted to this. He said flat out that without the preparation, he is not a good quarterback. Brady knows that individually, he is average. That attitude is why the Patriots work so well. The whole team knows and believes that they are average individually, and works accordingly. That is what makes them scary. They still suck, though. F them.
  16. Well, I took your advice. I took Midol (that was hard), and I quit being so sensitive to the slightest criticism of Bledsoe(that was easier than easy). But I still don't get how the obsession has festered into every thread, sorry. Must be viral. I hope it's not air-borne.
  17. And yet, there are people who still feel that this topic is still fresh enough to defend bringing it up. That is what I don't get.
  18. That pass to Crumpler at the end of the half was money, though.
  19. My backyard near Cobbs Hill in Roch had 17" this morning prior to plowing.
  20. Mortiis eats children.
  21. With all his talent, what exactly has Moss won? The Vikings may have played a few more playoff games than us recently, and Moss has some nice individual stats, but I don't see where Moss has given the Vikings anything significantly better than what we have had to endure lately. I look at where the Vikings are now and I just do not see how his talent has compensated for his baggage.
  22. Get it in writing.
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