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Everything posted by bobblehead

  1. At least the brain trust has not called it quits on free agency, as some here has tried to convince me of as fact. 3 mil is about the limit I would pay for a OG like DeMulling, IMO. It may be too high now. I think it's about time to forget him, unless he really wants to come here. Womack is interesting, from what I read, the kind of guy that needs some discipline and instruction to get to the next level. I think this is the place for that. It's good to hear that Peters and Bannan are just "getting work" or "being converted", I'm sure some people here will read this thread and come to the conclusion that Peters and Bannan are now starters, so be it, I guess. If Teague was something at LT, I believe he would still be in Denver, I know this report states the he may be looked at there, but it appears that this is not the prime option, lets hope free agency and the draft goes well.
  2. I bet he can take Mike Williams.
  3. Seriously, I do not see Mularkey ever letting anyone 'loose'. He seems to run a pretty tight gameplan, and if you do something over his head, like choose to defend the wrong endzone, well, bye.
  4. I'd let the field thaw first. Ba dump ba.
  5. Even though you base your thread on two personally biased assumptions: 1) o-line is pretty bad and 2) TD is not eying replacements because he sucks, still, drafting a kicker in the 1st to early 2nd rounds is pretty ballsy, even if it is the second coming of (insert the greatest kicker ever here, whoever that is, the candidates escape me, because they are only kickers).
  6. He can be persuaded, ain't that right, Paulie Walnuts?
  7. Go to guards, and read Dan Neil, "Dogged by accusations of questionable tactics", Yeah, I want THIS guy. We need more of these types. Seriously.
  8. Oops, cancel that, LabattBlue found some stuff. Thanks.
  9. As long as he can ball, I don't care if he looks like Robbie Williams, much less Mike Williams. Speaking of which, does anyone have anything on Womack? He's a difficult guy to find info about on the internets.
  10. I'll take Mr. Clutch's word for it that this is a good show, I couldn't watch it, the way I was bombarded with the previews for it the last month, I felt like I had already seen the show.
  11. I have a feeling that the pop-up ad for two free dinners at Applebee's on the front of profootballtalk.com is more valuable than this rumor.
  12. By no means do I have Clumpy-like knowledge of salary issues, but I can't help but think that Darius's situation here is not that bad. Ok, yeah, he's getting franchised every year, but he is getting top-5 salaries out of this and he is on an up-and comer of a team. I look at guys like Victor Jones who gladly signs one-year deals every year in order to hold out and miss training camp, and then I think about what it is Darius expects to be getting and wonder what he is so upset about. I can't imagine him getting much more than what he is getting now, especially now that he has a goon rep Of course this whole thing is probably just typical contract squabble.
  13. And no, kids, he's too expensive. He's a cheap-shotter too, anyone see that Jax/Green Bay game late last year? Freaking clotheslined a dude in mid-air, cool!
  14. I'm glad you brought that up, I didn't want to. I just want to see Burress play for somebody that is on the Bills' schedule this year.
  15. This is the thing, it might be true that Jonas (and Pat for that matter) did not "talk to anybody yet", but please, it's not like TD didn't know already what Jonas (and Pat for that matter) wanted. This whole "I'm the martyr" thing gets old after a while. Everyone knew that Jonas wanted the big payout, Jonas should just admit it! Wanting money is not a bad thing, Jonas. If he had just said he felt he was worth more than Buffalo would have offered, everything would have been cool, what is so wrong about that?
  16. I thought TD was a Schlitz Malt Liquor man?
  17. Roger that. Will be there.
  18. Maybe the monster stole the basketball skill from Michael Jordan.
  19. In retrospect, at least you could count on ICE to mix in a snappy adjective or two . Those were good days.
  20. If that's true about Mariucci, then yes. I got the impression that there was a 'Harrington Apologists' contingency running things there. Although, deep down, I would like to see Joey break out this year.
  21. Oh, wait, I get it. Nevermind. I get stuff.
  22. I was 7 back in 1973, I need a re-cap, thanks.
  23. Wow, is it just me or does it seem like Detroit would be a pretty unattractive place to go if you are a QB trying to crack a starting lineup? Sounds like the deck is stacked against you before you even get to camp....
  24. What's The Dean? *ducking for cover*
  25. That line was good for five minutes, but he definately drove that term into the ground. It went from a funny line in a funny movie to the equivalent of scratching a chalkboard. Thanks for that, Ice.
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