But, my wife likes it so.......
The trailer park dude is pretty funny, he has nicely trimed facial hair and one of those mustaches that starts halfway between his nose and mouth. I bet he smokes like a chimney, I would respect him more if he did, actually. He claps his hands and pumps his fists while he sings, !@#$ing hardcore.
This one guy wears a hat, but then decided not to wear his hat, and he has creepy looking curly hair that wants to be an afro, so he should keep his hat on. He shouts stuff like, "come on now", and " come on", and " yo, let me hear it" during songs. Please stop, thank you.
So there are these two "rocker" guys. Yeah, I know. Anyway, one looks like David Koresh and has a neatly trimmed southern rock mullet. He tells us constantly that he writes his own songs and plays 'instruments' (don't want to know), he sings nice, too nice. Wal-Mart nice. The type of audience this show brings in really, really thinks he is an actual rocker, as if you can buy his doll on a store shelf, at Wal-Mart. Oh yeah, he sounds just like Michael Bolton.
The other "rocker" is tall, skinny, has long shaggy hair, but in a weird twist of nature, he has a double chin. He picks songs you wouldn't expect to hear on American Idol and doesn't sing them especially well. Someone told me he was in 'Rent' prior to this. He appears to have sex with the microphone when singing, I think that he thinks that he is Michael Hutchence. Michael Hutchence is dead, btw.
The women really, really suck bad. But one woman of note, who went last, went the booby route. Good for her, I guess. There is another one who looks like Sideshow Bob.
Oh, oh yeah, Ozzie Smith's son is in it! Really! but , he looks like Robert Townsend. That brings the funny.