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Everything posted by bobblehead

  1. I've never hugged a tree, but if someone was to come up to me with a clipboard and ask me if I ever hugged a tree, I would probably say that yes, I have hugged a tree.
  2. Are you kidding? Klingons would be friggin AWESOME! That would add a whole new dynamic to the show. I would watch the !@#$ing sh-- out of that show.
  3. Commander Tom has one year to produce, or I am going to type more curse language at him!
  4. Can y'all stop spreading your gay all over this joint? I'm tired.
  5. That thread is funny: Fiasco: You need Shelton more then we need Henry GM: No we don't but Shelton would give the Bills one of the leagues biggest lines Fiasco: If you don't need him then why did you say he would give you one of the best lines? GM: I said biggest, not best Fiasco: I was ignoring you.
  6. I read on that same board that the Bills were gay. Consider that in your deliberations.
  7. This happened to my wife's car a little over a month ago. Parked on the street, a limo drove by and took the front bumper off the car. The tire hit it just right so as to rip the bumper off from the edge of the wheel well. Call the police, report the accident and get the insurance information from the person who hit your car. This doesn't mean you should necessarily call your insurance company, yet. Remember, you may want to trade in or sell your car someday, if you can keep this off your insurance record, it could help you , too. BUT.. By reporting to the police and getting the other person's insurance information, You have the option to report to your insurance company available to you if the person who hit you does not solve the issue to your satisfaction. BTW: this is information the police officer gave to me at the time, and this is how it was handled. As far as the other person coming back with a Bodily Injury claim; Your car was parked, and you were no where near it. Coming back to you on that is a stretch, pardon the pun. Unless your car was parked illegally, then that's another story. Still, it's a stretch.
  8. That could play well in Peoria.
  9. The resturant was pretty much daring them to sue. I hope Nicks wins, too. Nothing personal, it's just business.
  10. The Republicans turned liberalism into a 4 letter word, but the embarrasing part of it for the Dems is that the Dems let them. I saw George W Bush demonize liberals during the debates and then saw John Kerry proceed to do nothing about it. As the Libertarians grow and reach out to the moderates, as I think KRC is right about, the Republicans will attack the moderates as having no passion, backbone or stance on anything. I hope the Libertarians see this coming and embrace moderation as their stand, thier backbone, and their passion, and not fall into a name/calling trap like the Democrats/Liberals did.
  11. IMO, it's the latter. Alot of favors are going to be cashed in and alot of pet projects have to get tacked onto this.
  12. Jay Rubeo sleeps in them. He told me so.
  13. Waterloo Clyde. And if you get off 90 and travel up 81N, you will also run into Theresa LaFargeville.
  14. You are so 5 minutes ago.
  15. Does anyone know what a petafile is?
  16. Hi Ok, the answer is "at least three weeks". The question, of course, being "how long does it take bad 80's hair perms to flatten out". So, the trailer park guy comes true to form and produces and honest-to-God rap sheet for us, and then proceeds to back it up by wearing an honest-to-God wife beater on stage! I'll allow for the fact that he wore a proper shirt and jacket over it, but still, the wife beater was present. Rocker/B is next, and, it's real tough to admit this, but I feel violated. He really needs to stop staring at me. I always thought that sexual harassment only happened to 'other people' but, I just feel like I have been eye-molested. I feel dirty. Now my wife does the same thing when he is on. Shut up, wife! This really bothers me because this guy is far and away the only somewhat interesting person on this show. Betty Crocker is next. With the personality of that wife who wrote the article in the '50's about how to treat your husband and keep your home and family in order. You know the one, the article that tells you to shut up when you husband comes home, because he had a hard day and doesn't need you to bother him any further about work matters. I forget the order of everyone else, because it doesn't freaking matter, but anywhoo. I noticed there was a mix-up in wardrobe. Trach boy came out singing from "The Sound Of Music" but it was Ozzie Smith's son afterward that came out in the offical uniform of the Von Trapp Family Singers. There is this pretty hot black woman, and although boring, her people in the audience have the most professional looking signs. All glossy, modern laminations, professional fonts. I noticed last week that she also has the hugest dudes in her entourage. I can understand the winner needing this, but when the mere contestants roll with muscle, then that's another sign of the shark preparing to be jumped. The cross between Napoleon Bonaparte and Bob Marley is very inconsistent. That's all I got, sorry. Rocker/A comes out, wearing a freaking rubber suit! He looks like one of those deviants you see on those HBO soft-porn documentaries. He claims that he picked his song at random. Sure you did. Whatever, Bolton. Mohawk woman is last, and it appears that management wants her out. It seems rushed. There is no place for faux-hawks on AI. There is a definate void in regards to a proper foe for the country girl. I heard her being referred to as Feeding Tube Barbie somewhere, but that's just not appropriate.
  17. Ah, you think this thread is bad, wait until Larry King Dies!
  18. ....Still waiting for actual proof of Mike Williams' weight and attendance record this spring.
  19. This was a great bit. "My religion is better because it has better parades." This will surely be included in the Hall of Fame, I'm just glad I was alive during this era to see this trolling classic.
  20. The whole "Anglicans not having to endure inspection" angle is clear now, thanks.
  21. Can you notarize this for me?
  22. I find these urbane attempts at bourgeois fancies rather pedestrian.
  23. Not all good decisions are worth celebrating. Question: How does one not know that already?
  24. Forget players, build a roof!
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