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Everything posted by bobblehead

  1. Hi. Been away for awhile, family stuff, yo. Anywhoo. I'm surprised no one here picked up on how F-ing genius it was of Nigel and Simon Fuller to get those two dudes from the Faux Skynyrd on the show last week and into their lair. This is going to sell like hotcakes! Seriously though, I know the purists will not be feeling the new Bo Skynyrd, but this is not about the purists, it's about the top-40, and the way top-40 fans describe Bo (he "killed" last night... he "slayed" last night... He "rocks!".. they describe him like he was an action hero or something) this Bo/ Skynyrd thing is going to sell tons of CD's. It's going to drive the American Idol kids completely nutto. It's going to go over like Oxycontin at a tractor pull in Missouri. It was an absolutely money move by 19e and the CD's are going to fly off the shelves.
  2. The Raiders did to get Janikowski in the first round, because they thought Minnesota was going to take him. But the Minnesota folk reportedly stated afterwards that there was no way they were going to pick a kicker that high. Oops, I guess Disclaimer: I think it was Minnesota, I may be wrong on that.
  3. Her parents named her after a Lenny Kravitz song.
  4. Kenyatta Walker is ranked lower than Rosevelt Colvin?
  5. Good point. Guaranteed he is not in playing shape, and will not be for some time. Miami picking that RB in the 1st round is still a good move.
  6. Hank Stram wore a suit jacket and tie, only the suit jacket had the team logo on it. It was pretty cool. I bet that could work, if done right.
  7. He'll end up playing one of those goof-ball sports they play in the Mideast, like that sport where you pick up a goats head and carry it around on a horse. Or cricket.
  8. What's your take on volunteer firemen?
  9. Honk Honk! Liberal Media! Activist Judges! Yayyyyyyyyyeeeeeee!!!!
  10. Goth kids won't have to crowd the stage now.
  11. Not every "I don't know" is ignoring their belief. I hope you realize that.
  12. Thanks. That answers me. That's a good message. The original post, and the attitude behind it confirms my suspicions about ID, that it's might just be fundamentalist creationism, only "tricked out" for the modern age. I could make a joke by saying that Bob Jones University must have started an engineering school, but I won't. ID, at the end of the day, still allows for pitting science v. religion. It's still one group trying to influence their idea of God on others.
  13. I've have this moral compass telling me that science explains the earth and the universe, and we need this to survive, but what explains the science? I believe that's where faith comes in. I this what you are referring to here?
  14. Were they the !@#$ing sh-- back in the day or what?
  15. Hi kids. So, did anyone see that hour-long promo for Corey Clark's new CD that ABC ran last night? I did. I know the real money would have been with Paula having sexual relations off-camera with Clay Aiken, but since that was not in the mix, I guess we had to settle on "the horror" of seeing Randy Jackson wearing spandex onstage with Journey. I was !@#$ing dropping Zoloft like they were Mike and Ike's after seeing that gig.
  16. You can say this about every team in the NFL. Until the next lease is approved.
  17. Sickening? Not acceptable? Please. This is exactly what Ann Coulter wanted out of this event. To her, this is not only acceptable, but money in the bank! Myself, I'm not going to let myself be offended, because this is exactly how the Ann Coulters of the world want me and the rest of the "sheeple" to react, so I can run out, buy her book and feel better about the world. Well, not so much the "feel better about the world" part, that is not nearly as important as the "buy her book" part. Have a nice evening, everyone!
  18. Too bad "The Onion" didn't get this out first.
  19. Sorry, stopped watching. Reviews are over, everyone can celebrate . My eardrums need the therapy. My Ipod thanked me. These people, especially the ones left, are just not entertaining. Let me guess, someone sang that Elton John song about lions and sh--. Or, "Stand By Me", or something by Whitney Houston. am I close?
  20. What the real history of the naming of the Buffalo Bills should have been: "Following the 1946 season, in a move foretelling what was to become of Erie County, some guy was given $500 for creating some overdone, confusing, sketchy comparison to oil companies, land surveying and travelling road shows to create the team name when all that was needed in the first place was to say that the football team should be named after "Buffalo Bill Cody".
  21. I don't think people have fully realized the ramifications of Holcomb being on the team yet. This guy made me some money in fantasy football in the last few years, I think he is definately going to see some action, and might win us a game or two.
  22. Do her kids hump each other from behind?
  23. So what? Let it go for an hour. But then again, the doctor having a gun to his head for one minute, then the same doctor and Jack being all hearts and flowers a minute later was a bit of a stretch.
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