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Everything posted by bobblehead

  1. Personally, I like breathing and going outside, but that's just me.
  2. No. Amazingly (for Rochester politics), there is some actual political muscle behind this.
  3. It's being built in phases. There will eventually be an upper deck on the opposite side. Once it is fully complete, it will hold 20,500.
  4. Thank you! Actually, This is why I want to like soccer, but I do't want to go through all the trouble just go see this.
  5. That's not my thing, I like girls. Thanks anyway.
  6. Damn.
  7. Well, if Edwards really was outplaying Williams last year, then yes, this should be a better year up front. I'm a bit worried about Anderson. Well, maybe not "worried", but rather "unsure". If Kelsay, and the rest the front line D, are forced into covering for a learning Anderson, then I'll be worried.
  8. But.. but.. but... I gotta hate somebody, how am I gonna do that now?
  9. The liberals will have a hard time trying to block him.
  10. Please stop stealing my material. Thank you.
  11. Only if I can equate Christian lobby attempts with all Christians in the way you are equating Homosexual lobby attempts with all homosexuals. Deal?
  12. It's phase 1 of the "Moscow Bills" conspiracy.
  13. I believe the majority would like to stick their heads in an oven over this. Speaking of reforms re: "social security reform", "campaign finance reform", perhaps we need "marriage reform". but I have no convictions/spine/hot pockets in 3...2...1...
  14. With a money shot at the end, too!
  15. Yeah, you just know, although "unoffically", he was speaking for other players, as well. Ok, so he was taken out of context. Happens all the time. He has to realize, though, that even mentioning "fans" and "kiss my ass" in the same statement is going to go south quickly, regardless of what may have been said in between. The players do not understand the value of their sport to the fans, and they feel "railroaded" by the negotiations. I'm not so sure there will be a deal soon. If there was any way the players can get some leverage back, they will take it. If not, then yes, there will be a deal soon.
  16. Bob Goodenow shouldn't expect a xmas card from Jeremy Roenick this year, I guess. Perhaps not about hockey itself, but I guarantee this blew any goodwill the players had in the minds of most, and it will hurt the box office. Roenick doesn't quite get that most of America has no clue who he even is - well, I'm thinking there are a lot of people in the league today who would have liked to have kept it that way after his little act.
  17. They gots these mini carts now. Larger than a basket, smaller than a cart. Very maneuverable. Go to Pittsford, of course. The locals like to summer there.
  18. Nick Tahoes is closed through the 6th. Vacation/grill cleaning purposes.
  19. Unless you have to live in the bar.
  20. If you ask me, the whole spirit of polarization is slowly destroying our country. The right wants to trample your rights in your home and the left wants to take your home. Before long I will have monitoring chips implanted in my cerebral cortex and living on the street. Flags will have more protection than I will.
  21. That sounds right. Carter, for as good of a man that he is, he probably should not have been President. Also: Why is it the "liberal" answer? Why do "liberals" hate W so much? BTW: who are these "liberals" anyway and why do you hate them so much?
  22. Well, that makes sense in a way, considering how calculating Rove is with everything. But, when you say this could be due to impending legislation, One could answer back to you that this was desparation by the GOP because of the failures they have experienced lately (social security, the filibuster compromise), they are getting nervous about their ability to wield political power in the future? Perhaps it was a calculated strategy based on the desparation of recent failure? I know, I make no sense, wait, my Ipod is beeping, why?
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