Drew's philosophy, which he has been pushing all over the media this season, is that since the NFL does not have guaranteed contracts, and teams can cut anyone at any time, if a player "outperforms his contract", the player should be able to get a new contract.
Ok, sure. But when you are already paid like "the man" on your team, and you dealed your way into the contract you have now, how do you "outperform your contract"? That's the problem I have with TO, and Drew's new modus operandi - when you are already either the highest paid, the best player, or both, how can you outperform that? TO may not be making the money he thinks he should be, but he signed the contract knowing he was going there to be the "difference maker" for the Eagles, to get them over the Super Bowl hurdle. He did that, how do you "outperform" that?
I'm also afraid of Willis next year. IMO, Willis' holdout has already started, he's just playing through this year. Even if he does get a deal next year ( which he should, if he plays like we think he will) , Drew is just going to say after the '07 season that Willis outperformed his new contract and hold him out again in '08.