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Everything posted by bobblehead

  1. He may be stubborn, but I think he is trying to work the state for as much as he can first. I guess I can't blame him for that when there were efforts downstate to get 600mil funded for the Jets stadium recently. I'm not sure he has the expansion fee, either. But I really don't know the answer to that. Even if he doesn't have it, the fee can not be more than 15mil, and between all the corporate sponsors alone, that should not be that much of a hurdle. He may just be trying to work his way out of paying that fee.
  2. Several Navy ships full of supplies are on the way to NO now. Actually, 96 hours to deliver a C-130 operation is probably pushing it. I do get your point, though. A quick scan of PPP tells me that the agreed-on plan of action is to call Cindy Sheehan a loon.
  3. If Pae Tec gets the second upper deck and the lux boxes, will it ever host a cup qualifier?
  4. Hard to get to a BBQ joint while stuck on your roof waiting for a helicopter to pick up up.
  5. Why would he do that? You may think he's about to "cash in his chips", but I highly doubt that Ralph agrees with you.
  6. I sorta kinda don't agree. I'll give you two roll-out/scramblish passes in particular. One to Haddad in the Bears game that was called back because Drew was "out of bounds" *cough cough*. He dotted him right between the numbers on the run from about 15 yards. Another was a 15-20 yard pass in the end zone to Wilson, which looked like Wilson was phoning it in, thinking the play was over and didn't get a hand on it. It was right where it needed to be. The problem I see with JP is that his touch passes on roll-outs to his right tend to be high. He got Moulds torn up on one in the Colts game
  7. When someone is open.
  8. TO and Price together. I feel sorry for Donovan, though. He is going to have to start taking pills.
  9. It would bring the roof down.
  10. I'll consider that for future disasters, thanks. CNN is rather boring. I can only take so much of a reporter trying to talk in a wind tunnel.
  11. All I ask for is one shade of blue per uniform. Thanks.
  12. Who said I didn't like Fox News? I love Fox News! And there was no mention of any defense contractors during the day, either. Sorry, I guess there are none in the path of the hurricane.
  13. Well, she is a Nazi, you know. Did you just win this argument? I had some time for extended TV viewing yesterday. Fox News was a real treat to watch. After an hour or so I concluded from Fox that 1) New Orleans was going to disappear, 2) the US economy was going to crumble, I actually heard Shepard Smith tell me straight up that this would cause a recession, and then 3) Invading hordes of Liberal Russians were going to take advantage of this and take us over. While I do expect higher prices at the supermarket, the mall and the gas pump, I'm sure the downgrade really put a bug up their ass this morning.
  14. Just so that we are all on the same page here. You know this guy has probably toured the chocolate factory once or twice himself in his day, if you catch my drift, right?
  15. Something tells me that we're not getting the full story here.
  16. The stats against scrubs?
  17. I'm more of a London Irish fan, myself, but as far as National teams go, The Blacks are the shiznit. It would be fun to see NFL squads do scary tribal sh-- before games, though.
  18. Strip clubs are not very hygienic, and it's not a christian way to go about life, either.
  19. I think all trolls should have their sig lines branded as such, and that all troll posts should be transferred to a troll-specific sub forum, for troll doings only. Not the Ice kind of troll, but the "other teams" kind of troll. Not sure if the programming exists to do this, or if there is mod out there with that kind of time on thier hands.. Just a thought, enjoy the rest of the day folks. Booyah!
  20. Access to the Kentucky Derby will be worth it.
  21. Minor surgery? Pansy. Get a leg cut off or something. Get a quad bypass. None of that anasthesia crap, either. Whiskey and a piece of wood to bite - civil war style. Be a man for chrissakes!
  22. Problem is, some Skoal-drooling redneck is going to come on and tell you that $3.00 a gallon is cheap too. It's $5 in France. I know, that's why I like the US better than France, but still, that is what you are going to get as a response here, sorry.
  23. I would suggest tapping older women.
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