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Everything posted by bobblehead

  1. I'd rather it was cut down to one paragraph (thinking as if I was the one at NFL HQ receiving the petition, no offense, but it might hit the circular file before it's halfway read), but I signed it. Thanks for the effort.
  2. This is what gets me about this board since I have been here. Every game the Bills lose is always followed up by someone here going off on how it was the worst game they ever played. No, seriously. Every time.
  3. It's not just the pizza, it's also the street skank making it. It has gone downhill. Veneto has some good pizza.
  4. That skank smokes crack rocks.
  5. You are not a pansy when you drink wine straight from the bottle. And in a brown paper bag. F all of you homos.
  6. I thought half our team came from Miami U anyway?
  7. Does he like to cook sh-- up in pickle juice?
  8. The Redskins used different helmets for all of their home games a few years ago(three years ago?). I thought it first it was just a throwback, two game thing but they wore them at home all season. It was dark red and looked like Florida State (or is it Florida State looks like the old Redskins) It only lasted one year, though. The white helmet looked tough, but I like the idea of the '65 shirts and pants with the red helmets, though. Just get a simpler stripe setup on the helmets than the multi-color crack addict jumble deal going on now on top of those things.
  9. What's with the Vanilla Ice signature photo? I'm a bit nervous for that guy 'Smizzy" 'cuz he doen't appear to be using it in jest.
  10. I'm sure Willis knows this, that's all that matters.
  11. I would say that may not be a bad thing, but, say Buffalo does finish ahead of Miami again, you just know that guy will turn around and pick Miami to finish ahead of Buffalo again next year.
  12. On that same show, those two were bantying about the question, "Are the Jets the team to challenge N.E. for the AFC East, or is it Miami?" I've been saying this for years here, the mainstream sports media will always pick Miami, always. No matter how good or bad they are. Miami is the "cajun chicken sandwich" of football. Every chain resturant out there offers a cajun chicken sandwich, and every mainstream sports media outlet considers Miami a contender every year. I am glad, though that Buffalo is under the radar. I'd much rather have Buffalo get a few wins before people notice.
  13. You ever take any sweet jumps?
  14. Everett would have been nice, too. Damn
  15. I was thinking that.. Keep the red helmet, use the throwback jersey with the away white pants that are used now, with the wider stripe down the side. Nice. Oh yeah, how the jerseys currently have that red stripe down the side, well take the throwback unis and color the stripe down the side, but instead of red, use the current dark blue, to match the stripe on the current away white pants. Could someone with the tools mock that up for me? thanks.
  16. lets get one thing straight here. If you support liberals Tom Brady, you are a disloyal America Bills hater.
  17. I am impressed by the fact that all 10 people in the US supporting the goverment on this crisis post regularly at TBD.
  18. I'm quite sure that they still use a rotary phone.
  19. Someone has self-esteem issues
  20. I'm in Canandaigua right now, and gas is three freaking fifty a gallon. I'm out, sorry.
  21. I'm going to reserve judgement until I actually see Losman attempt a long pass in a real game.
  22. Some thoughts that I have heard bantered about: Dorenbos' knee may be more injured than previously thought. Mularkey claimed his snaps were not as tight. Dorenbos only snaps on punts, I believe (anyone?) Dorenbos gets steamrolled often after his snaps The new guy snaps both punts and kicks The new guy is taller, somewhat bigger, though I have not seen
  23. I don't get the left on this. Considering the kind of candidate Bush could have nominated, I think the left should quit while they're ahead and be happy with Roberts.
  24. I saw him on the field at the Hall Of Fame halftime ceremony that the Bills put on for Joe D a couple of years ago.
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