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Everything posted by bobblehead

  1. I think Roy Williams deserves the bold face.
  2. I wouldn't say Peters is average to above average at this time, but any change in the lineup is welcome.
  3. No kidding, that premise sounded good to me, too.
  4. I'm with you. McKinnie and Williams were the two linemen discussed at the top of that draft. I'm not interested in any spin that is bound to follow to the contrary. Every GM needing a lineman would have went with either of the two if they had a pick that high. No one can prove otherwise. Addendum: Anyone using the "lower picked linemen have turned out better" spin? No, sorry, not listening. Those other linemen would not have been picked if McKinnie and/or Williams were available to them. Addendum#2: Anyone claiming a DT or DE would have been better? Again, no, sorry, not listening to that. OL was needed at the time, and sad to say, still is.
  5. When broadcast, his image alone impregnates all ovulating women within 5' of the TV set.
  6. No. I meant TD will remain president and hire a GM. I believe that TD has hinted at wanting to do that here.
  7. TD will move upstairs and hire his replacement.
  8. It's Payback. re: Tom Cruise.
  9. The word is that Miller was injured this afternoon during practice, that is why Biron was in goal and Noronen was dressed.
  10. It's commonly referred to as sucking.
  11. You misspelled Sape. you will feel the wrath for this.
  12. Geisinger's feet looked like they were a tied shoelace from what I have seen in the preseason. His arm work, the way McNally teaches it, it not there, either -probably why he is not getting much play so far. He needs some time, but giving up on him now is crazy talk. Someone like Geisinger starting out slow is not abnormal. What is abnormal is a converted, undrafted tight end not being completely blown out in his first start at RT. He's not full-time starter material yet, either, but that was just straight-out freaky.
  13. Isn't he the guy that married the teenage mormon girl, just so he could tap her and then skip town on her? I'm not sure about this, but that's what her mother said had written in the paper, anyways.
  14. Moulds should have been traded last summer. The best value was then.
  15. I wouldn't mind seeing a pro bass guy getting a hook caught in his ear, close up, in HD.
  16. Theismann: " When Buffalo resorts to trick plays like that, with their record, they need to get more than what they did. " (2 minutes more of Theismann talking) Theismann: "Buffalo just needs to get more out of that then what they did." McGwire: "Buffalo got a first down on that play" Theisman: "Well.... they need to get more out of that play. Did you see Bruschi penetrate the backfield on that play though?"
  17. It was sex. ESPN made us all have sex with him last night, then we were dumped for bass fishing, or extreme poker or whatever was on after that.
  18. I read this summary on a site this morning: "Not enough credentials for the old-schoolers in the Senate, not enough red meat for the freepers. " The vocal right wants someone like J. R. Brown in order to stick it to "the liberals". IMO, "the liberals" would like to see this, too, for the simple reason of having a nutter be exposed in the hearings and to justify a filibuster, on their terms. I think the hater-types on the left wanted Miers to get as far as the hearings as well, in order for her to be exposed, thus justifiying rejecting her on their terms. Bush could take the opinion that with Miers, the nutters had their chance and blew it, therefore he can nominate someone like Gonzales. Or, he can see it that he now needs to shore up the nutters by giving them what they wanted all along, someone like Brown or Luttig. I'm not sure how it will go, I think it depends on how much influence Karl Rove has left on things. Karl was never really "in" with the nutters, he only used them, but I'm thinking he has no use for them anymore.
  19. Isn't there is an entrance to the park off of 19, down where 19 and 19A junction together?
  20. 1) 90 East to exit 47 (rt. 19) 2) Rt. 19 south to letchworth state park. (40 miles-ish)
  21. Scroll to the end..... "WE NEED TO PUT A REAL GOVERNOR ON HER. VOTE KINKY. YOU’LL LIKE IT." Thanks for that. ahhh- "Maintennance! Clean up on cubicle one! "
  22. I can't wait to not see the ESPN opening montage. I really do not have to see it. I already get it, Ooooohhhh- Tedi Bruschi is intense, he must really like football!
  23. Immediately after giving up a 3rd and 10, only to get a temporary break with a holding call. Yeah, that happened last week.
  24. Yes he does! Well, he talks to himself, anyways.
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