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Everything posted by bobblehead

  1. You don't know the timeline of events, so you may just be wrong. Is it common to get arrested for double parking? Shouldn't that just be a traffic ticket? I'm not talking about threatening a cop, that apparently came after. I'm talking about what happened first - getting arrested and cuffed for illegal parking.
  2. I know, I know. Dumbass entitled jock, I get it. But.... Getting handcuffed for double-parking doesn't sound right.
  3. *************************WARNING******************************* You are off message. Please correct your message framing immediately. The correct framing of this issue is: 1) It was a minor accident 2) All parties involved, ESPECIALLY HIS FRIEND, have since laughed it off. 3) The hospital visit was precautionary, standard procedure for the top leadership of your country. 3) Hunting with birdshot/shotguns often result in one or more members of the hunting party being "peppered". Being "peppered" with birdshot is a tough, manly, republican thing, not a liberal thing. 4) Liberals would never understand hunting. Continued mis-construancies of the message may result in your blackballing as a liberal. Thank you. Sincerely, Your local GOP branch *************************WARNING*******************************
  4. If they got to a shootout, then I say they made out pretty well. I saw this game on the schedule a few games back and exected Buffalo to get fugging pounded on, a Thursday- Saturday night-Sunday afternoon with a roadie at the end against the top team in the conference. That's asking a bit much. Especially after last night's game - that got chippy at the end, I was not expecting much today.
  5. They are called Freedom Berets, you friggin liberal!
  6. I never said it was a bad thing...Just calling it as it is.
  7. I think what is as equally important as the freedom to speak is the freedom to not speak. The freedom of not having to speak what is not your view is as important as the freedom to speak your view. I am troubled, though when it's the low-rent pieces of sh-- in this world like Rush Limbaugh and Bob Lonsberry that are the champions of free speech in cases like this, and it's the supposed defenders of civil rights that are on the other side. I guess that's part of the price of freedom. The right-wing media bias today is unquestioned, but I see it more as a case of "scoreboard!" than anything else. They put in 30 years of hard work getting to where they are now, where 'Liberal' is a four letter word in the mainstream media.
  8. 1. Lick My Love Pump 2. Suspicious 3. Poutine is served in Canada, not Freedom Fries. 4. There is only one player that matters on the Patriots, silly. Actually, there is only one player that matters in the NFL, duh. 5. Stevie Wonderboy
  9. Actually, you get TRAY GROUP. That solves everything. Someone was grouping the in-flight snack trays and f-ed up the plane. Someone now has to find all the trays on the island, group them, then make a raft out of them so they can be rescued. Done, Now I can watch Mythbusters on Wednesday nights instead. Yay.
  10. James Ford. Locke outed Sawyer's real name a couple of episodes ago, when they were out looking for Michael. Right after Sawyer called Locke "Mr. Clean", Locke told Sawyer he saw the flight manifest that listed a "James Ford" where Sawyer was sitting, or something like that.
  11. Perry Fewell. Jerry Falwell. Perry Fewell. Jerry Falwell. .... No, not feeling it. I would hate to flame this, so I will defer to the retarded dog myself.
  12. Same here, Hutch is not going anywhere. We need to move on.
  13. We aint the only ones.... Chargers
  14. Actually, the word on ESPN radio this morning was: Joe Montana was supposed to be the coin tosser, as well as appear in the SB MVP celebration. He demanded $100K in appearance fees, though, but was not guaranted the money by the NFL. As a result, he decided to skip out on Super Bowl Sunday altogether.
  15. The Patriots are dirty. Whenever any of them are around, someone is getting paid off. Seriously, though. Jones and Hutchinson are pretty good, and Seattle looks great with that 'attacking the corner' style. But that other side of Seattle's line? Not so much. If choke holding and tackling was legal, then ok, they have something.
  16. This thread is offensive to fat people and professional defensive tackles.
  17. Thank you for all of this. Conservatives are masters at framing headlines. For example. an article you will see online, or in a paper, a report you watch on the evening news, can be very critical of the GOP, the administration, republicans in general. But almost always, the headline will be something to the effect, for example, "Bush Goes On The Offensive". So the article may be conservative-critical, but he most important part, the headline, will be pro-conservative. You see this headline framing much more for the Conservative side than you do the Liberal side. Also, the right has masterfully made "Liberal" a four-letter word. Again, what you might see, read or hear in the media could very well be conservative-critical, but almost always, any reference to liberals or liberalism, especially in the headline, is in a negative light. I noticed this during the debates last year. Always, regardess of which of the 3 debates you were watching, when ever the word liberal was in a question from the moderator, it was always, always slanted negatively, as in "Is it true that you were the most liberal voter in the Senate"? Which automatically put liberalism in a bad light. Kerry should have jumped on this and said, "yes, why is that a bad thing"? But he tried to defend his voting as "not liberal". Because it was representatives from the national media doing the moderating, it really hit me hard that the national media is solidly trained and locked-down to treat liberalism as a dirty word. I had to commend the conservatives for 3 decades of training on that . The Right has been working on this for over 30 years, it started in the 60's. They really know what they are doing in this regard.
  18. I thinks someone should sing Black Velvet, especially a girl in jeans. That would rock the !@#$ing sh-- out of the joint.
  19. No, that's the Lion King song.
  20. Well, if anything, this helps explain why the nations and the political parties has become so polarized. If you leave the nuts and bolts to the masses, the masses just might become rational.
  21. This sounds like something the left could have an opening with (assuming the left takes the "criminal law" side) if this discussion was to start in public, but I'm not sure anyone on the left is willing to start this.
  22. It's better to age something in stainless than in oak? Or is oak better for wine only?
  23. Those were not dudes Ben was partying with, though.
  24. This may not answer your question either, but could it be something as simple as the perception of power?
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