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Everything posted by bobblehead

  1. I second that, I need to see this transaction as it unfolded.
  2. Not as good as he does in Bills lt blue/dk blue/nickel/red/white, but then again I also smoke crack rocks.
  3. Jacksonville and Cincinnatti. Records? Schmrecords. It's a done deal. ESPN has been trying to tell me this all day. It must be working.
  4. I believe I just heard someone say that if Dallas put a team of Tony Romos on the field, they would have beat the Saints.
  5. You mock T. Bruschi at your own peril. Just trying to help.
  6. Let me refer you to the front page of ESPN.GO.COM... "America's Team?"
  7. Just getting rid of those red stripes down the sides of the shirts will go a long way. Then, de-rainbowing the top of the red helmet and go back to something close to how it was will go even further.
  8. Well, no one has popped him yet. Teams are letting him run. This will change soon enough.
  9. I think I have just hit critical mass with all the Tony Romo sexing going on on my TV today. So "Football Night In America"s has this "QB Eye Cam" thingy, and of course they just HAVE to use it on none other than.... During this eye cam thingy they did, he checked off a receiver. Wow. I am in awe of his herculean footballing. I should just bow down and submit myself.
  10. Can't we just give them about 15,000 of our seats at the Ralph instead? Do all three teams a favor?
  11. I'm thinking a train would do wonders, but a rocketship would fill up those empty seats at the Ralph.
  12. I have a gut feeling that Long Island Phil sells carpet.
  13. My guess is that you are talking about Billy Volek.
  14. So I have to read this entire thread now? That would kick the snot out of my attention span's ass How about I just tell you what and how I know... 1) Zubaz and 2) he told me so in a thread here. Back in the day.
  15. I have to go to China for work a few times a year, and they have this dude plastered all over Chinese television named Lang Lang who is some kind of classical pianist. Kinda charmingly effeminate, with 80's spiked hair.
  16. Exactly. We need to get over this faux tough guy persona that football players should worry about how the play instead of what they play in. For the most part, they do care how they look, and the fans do, too. That is not going to change.
  17. I don't post enough here anymore to have any idea what or who y'all are talking about... But I do know what Jay Rubeo wears to bed, though.
  18. Alot of people.
  19. I was thinking Bert Jones, myself.
  20. I always felt that a 55,000 - 60,000 seat stadium was the right size for a stadium for this area. I think you can even raise the ticket prices (not too much, though) at that capacity, too. 75,000 is too much, and 82,000 was just plain obscene. They had to be the cheapest seats in the league to sell that gig out.
  21. Fixed your post Sorry, but I think this is an important point. Those tickets that are unsold are the upper deck tickets. I really believe that people simply do not want to deal with the drunks and the fighting that goes on up there. I also think that the other issue is that those seats exist in the first place. One of the smallest markets in the league has one of the largest stadiums in the league. That just ain't fair. We will not sell out, but yet we will still outdraw at least a handfull of other stadiums around the league.
  22. He's talking about the wind at the Ralph. Please move on, nothing to see here.
  23. In Ice's world, we were all "fugging assclowns".
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