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Everything posted by bobblehead

  1. $25 says the word "hospitality" have never left Willis' piehole ever.
  2. "I can sing Barry Manilow for you"
  3. No, seriously. What was his parents thinking?
  4. I get that Curtis is bad as !@#$, and that just wounding him would not have done the trick. Still, did he have to shoot him in the !@#$ing throat? That really harshed everyone's mellow. I am addicted to the crack that is "24". I don't care how imperfect it is, or sensationalized, or how unrealistic the timelines are, or that in 6 years, I have only seen Keifer go into a bathroom once, and that was just to off some terrorist. If I wanted realistic, I would not go anywhere near Fox (or Fox News) for it, I'd just turn the TV off and go outside.
  5. Can moving the team to Niagara Falls, but on the American side, fit into your plan in any way?
  6. Now that's what I'm talkin about. I'm cool and the gang with that.
  7. Perhaps the NFL execs were horrified by the prospect of the Dolphins getting their ass kicked by Buffalo again, only this time in front of people.
  8. On a little blurby thingy I heard on the radio this morning, I was told that it was the toothpaste-challenged Euros that wanted the NY Giants.
  9. He appears to have quite an appetite for trans fats and homoerotic "sports", so, no.
  10. If you mean you, then ok, I'll take that advice, but if you mean you as in Cpt. Lou Albano, well, you pin rubber bands to your face, so i'll wait for other responses. Thank you.
  11. I really want to agree with you on this, and until recently, I would have. But Willis either does not now, or soon will not want to be here, and his douche-bag-ometer just redlined, so I think that line of thinking just took a turn south. Besides, the whole point is that Adrian Peterson makes the draft line ahead of Buffalo's 12 pick a little longer, so yay!
  12. Thanks for bringing this up. I would like to use electric. Gillette cartridges are getting hella !@#$ing expensive. And the electrics I see, for the most part, tend to advertise that the blade discs last a year. If this Braun electric really is the !@#$ing sh--, then I will have to consider it. And no, when it comes to blades, I'm not considering downgrading from the Fusion, either. They are the best blade. Sidebar: how long should you go before you switch blades. I can not find this information anywhere. I know Gillette is not going to tell you, or, if they were, they would say after each use, but can anyone answer this for me? I mean for just shaving your face, too. not neck, legs, weener, armpits, toungue or anything else, just normal use. This has been bugging me for years. There was an attempt to answer this on TBD a couple of years ago, but I can't remember Drew Bledsoe's name much less what people wrote back then. I suck major !@#$ when it comes to remembering stuff like that. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  13. Whoa! Junior Seau is not a faggot? Holy sh--!
  14. That's only about 2.5 'plates. One sit-down, 45 minutes, finish off all the bread, done.
  15. Until the poll is fixed, I would like to choose somebody that weighs at least 330 lbs.
  16. I'd like to see the DT from Michigan drop, myself. But NE will trade up to 11, pick him, and Coach Comb-over will yet again be fellated by the sports community.
  17. Sounds good to me. Getting the players we need to drop a little further down. I mean, Peterson would be great, but let's be real here. He's gone by 10 at the very, very latest.
  18. Bump because I'm LAMP'ish and I wish chicks dug me.
  19. He will be long gone before Buffalo picks, if Buffalo would even pick a RB with the #1. per ESPN this morning. i'd post the link, but I'm a dumbass. With the injuries he has had, not risking another year in college is a good move. I just hope he goes somewhere with a good line.
  20. I think Tigger should have beat that trailer park kid with a tire iron.
  21. Everybody has alot of cap space. That's what the owners want, and this is what Ralph is fighting - the owners are eliminating the salary cap without 'officially' eliminating the salary cap. ,
  22. It's on now, he's offed. Later, Saddam.
  23. If this kind of talk is going on about Leonard now, then his stock is going to skyrocket come draft day. He'll probably be gone alot sooner then people think.
  24. I'm going to wait until I hear more about what exactly Rosenhaus/McGahee really want. I know Drew got $30M/4 yrs for E. James. And I would have to believe that its common knowledge that McGahee is not going to get E. James kind of money. So, if it's say $20M/4 years, I wouldn't really have a problem with that. $25M/4 years would be iffy, but the bottom line is, lets see what exactly is on the table first.
  25. Well, I will say that. (Perhaps not a confusingly as this, but the point is, he wants more then Ralph considers he is worth, and the current salary cap situation will have no bearing on it)
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