Thanks for bringing this up. I would like to use electric. Gillette cartridges are getting hella !@#$ing expensive. And the electrics I see, for the most part, tend to advertise that the blade discs last a year.
If this Braun electric really is the !@#$ing sh--, then I will have to consider it. And no, when it comes to blades, I'm not considering downgrading from the Fusion, either. They are the best blade.
Sidebar: how long should you go before you switch blades. I can not find this information anywhere. I know Gillette is not going to tell you, or, if they were, they would say after each use, but can anyone answer this for me? I mean for just shaving your face, too. not neck, legs, weener, armpits, toungue or anything else, just normal use. This has been bugging me for years. There was an attempt to answer this on TBD a couple of years ago, but I can't remember Drew Bledsoe's name much less what people wrote back then. I suck major !@#$ when it comes to remembering stuff like that.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!