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Everything posted by bobblehead

  1. Is Willis' comments that big of a national news story?
  2. Can't speak on inside knowledge, but there has not been a word publically about uniforms from the current administration. I would think if there was to be a change, that at least a request to the league would have had to happen already. I'd be surprised if there was a change, this administration, at least publically, doesn't seem to care too much about uniforms. It's a shame, too, because these outfits really are the suck.
  3. I'm sorry, I'm just another hack douchebag on the internet and not a 'science type', but how does this make Mars a good "control group" when atmosphere is the main problem with Earth? I admit I don't know squat about solar radiation(nor care to), but I get that it's rising, that's not exactly a shocker, right? I would think that is 'common knowledge', too. I mean, If someone like me has heard that before, then it has to be out there, right? Well, anywhoo, Isn't the rational point of all this is that man is not helping the situation by polluting the planet?
  4. Actually, "Internet Superhero Guy" would DEMAND that it was I that provided the FACTS or or that, that, that.. well, I would have BAD THINGS said to me! I actually enjoyed Ofiba's post, he actually celebrates his geekness online, like a badge of honor.
  5. I heard that Ricky Manning Jr. and Reggie Bush were going out too, but from another source. I'll be sure to say "hi" to Beelzebub for you, after that. I hope Tom B enjoys the fish.
  6. Warning: You are dangerously close to becoming one of those "Regression Toward the Mean" winners!
  7. 'least I'm not stupid. Consider that a fact. Sincerely, Your America Hatin' French Fry Lover!
  8. Speaking of homo-erotic, I heard an announcer last night say Joseph Addai was "lucky" that Bruschi (who got flat out crushed like a Pringle at the bottom of the can on this particular play) "missed" him.
  9. To "Marv Levy"; Yes, it's my opinion that the Super Bowls played with only 1 week wait were much better games. To "Internet Superhero Guy"; No, I do not have facts to back it up, and I'm not going to try.
  10. This does not sound as masturbatory when read a second time.
  11. Why did Tedi Bruschi allow the Colts to win? Is he about to pass judgement on mankind (in accordance to scripture)?
  12. Sorry, I just can not take people like you seriously. I'll do the moderators a favor and leave this thread. Sorry for this.
  13. I'll get right on that. (edited) On second thought, I'll just laugh and point.
  14. There is no way in hell I would take my son to an upper deck of an NFL game. I would have to have box seats or lower-sideline. I'd do baseball, hockey, basketball, pro wrestling, even that ultimate fighting deal before an upper deck of an NFL game.
  15. No, I'm not tolerant of people who think global warming is bull. And if you are one of 'those' people, then you are a !@#$ing moron, too.
  16. Global warming is a load of crap, and Jesus will soon take me away from all these liberals in Hollywood trying to gay me.
  17. I thought at first this was from "The Onion", but it's "WorldNetDaily" - same thing. Now I see, from the responses, that there are people here who actually buy into WorldNetDaily and think that global warming is bull sh-- . I am officially creeped out.
  18. Nah, I think I will get all hung up over Okoye's age. He's frikkin 19 for chrissakes. Bye. Got the message. Another game it shall be.
  19. I was looking forward to Soccer Okoye, but alas, your link brings up Football Okoye. Still, that cake looks pretty stout. I'll have to live with Wedding Cake Okoye. Besides, the wedding cake looks no worse than Buffalo's uniforms do. Seriously, though, I'd be happy with Football Okoye Jr at the 12th pick. . He's only 19. NINE FUGGING TEEN! That's alot of football yet to play.
  20. Yeah, but how many Okoye's have you found? Any skiing Okoye's out there? Does Christian Okoye still play football? The Nigerian Nightmare. He would hit the hole like a fugging dump truck full of dump trucks . That would be my vote.
  21. I could have sworn I saw Beck try out for American Idol the other night. He even did that stick juggling thing.
  22. Apple is coming out with a cellphone.
  23. I really like what Reed is doing here now, even after his past issues with the dropsies. Still, I don't think he's a #2. Evans, _______(insert big cocky A-hole type here), Reed and Parrish will do for me.
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