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Everything posted by bobblehead

  1. Rex Ryan is not going to last there, after watching last night, I am more convinced of this than ever. The loud, abrasive, gutter mouth act only works so long anywhere. This act should never be mistaken for "energy". This will grow old on players when the winning stops. And the winning will stop there.
  2. I saw the HBO show last night. Rex Ryan is a dirtbag that surrounds himself with dirtbags. As long as he is winning it's fine, but his act will not last long when he stops winning.
  3. 1) Right off the bat, the piece starts with "Buffalo can not afford an NFL team" - this should have been an immediate red flag to anyone half in touch with the NFL. The Bills are by no means the most profitable team, but they also have no debt. 2) Brandon is not gone 3) Hardy is not #2 4) An "insider" says "this is a slap in the face"? that is way vague, even for an unnamed source. Also, I'm suspecting that a good number of the influx of negative posters lately are really Patriots fans. They came in years ago as a group intent to take over the board. The moderators here did nothing about it - in my opinion this was the start of the decline of this board. I think there is a group of these people are still here. They use screen names to suggest they are Bills fans. Not much of a social life, but whatever gets people through the day, I guess.
  4. So true. The best posters have surprisingly low post counts.
  5. Yeah, the Bills started two rookies on the line last year, I though that was smart - building from the lines.
  6. I could just hate the crap out of him here, but I like girls instead.
  7. Your stalking is creeping everyone out. Please stop.
  8. The injuries alone last year validate the ranking. The line will be better this year. Please don't confuse "better" with "great" though. Thank you.
  9. I expect laughter, and I am ok with that, but... I think a 6-2 start is totally in play. I also think with that 6-2 start, the final record can also be 8-8 (or even a game or two lower.) People will lose thier s%!t over that kind of a finish. I hope that does not happen. The coaching looks good at this point, and I would not like to see people calling for Gailey's head at the end of the year, he looks like a keeper. This prediction is based on the schedule.
  10. Seconded. I have been here since 2002. There are only a few people here who I can trust with what they post. Philster is one of them.
  11. Jason Campbell wasn't an upgrade.
  12. This does need to be reinforced here. No one owns a thread here. I remember another poster from long ago being reprimanded for making a similar statement thinking he "owned" a thread.
  13. Gailey did say today was their last chance at live action until Friday nights' game. This may mean that he is scaling back a bit now.
  14. There is no one on this team of sissies that's going to matter much if they get injured in camp.
  15. I am probably going to get laughed at, oh well. Laugh at me - Im scared. Still, Although the end of the schedule is difficult, I honestly believe no joke that a 6-2 start is definately in play. I think the season will still end at 8-8 or a little lower - just like every year, and everyone will lose their s&%t again, just like every year.
  16. I had a garbage plate with Lori once. Wait, that's not entirely correct. Lori had a garbage plate, I power-slammed a garbage plate. Wait, that's not entirely correct, either. Lori had a garbage plate, I power-slammed two garbage plates. There may have been a picture taken, or was the picture from another garbage plate power-slamming session? It's all a bit hazy. Jay? A little help here?
  17. I have heard Sully on air lose his cool when he was "had" in an argument a few times, not a sign of someone sure of himself. Alot of people are like that, I am like that. But, he deserves some apologies and the benefit of the doubt here if this is indeed how the argument went down. I want to trust what I read here, its been getting more and more difficult as the years go by here. Hopefully, just as winning will fix the team and fix the fans, winning will fix TBD, too.
  18. I am a horrible human being.
  19. I can respect John's view of the conversation, but there is a self esteem issue here with Sully. The banning highlighted it. IDK, I would think that if you start thinking of your team losing as desirable, at that point you really stop being a fan. Even if you are thinking long-term. I would also think that if you are un-biased and you bring that up to a biased fan, the fan is not going to react positively to you. You may want to develop thicker skin if you are going to throw that at a fan.
  20. Tonight on Sportscenter, Adam Schefter reported that Buffalo cut Schoebel because they couldn't afford him. And, that because Schoebel is only 32, that there will be alot of teams interested in him. I know people need to rag on how this went down here, and yes, the recent history of this team leaves plenty to rag about, but to cite unaffordability that as the reason and to cite his age as a plus is showing a complete lack of research and/or a hint of bias in the report.
  21. So far, no white helmets at night. Does this mean they are done with the throwbacks? Jus' checkin. I'm such a girl.
  22. Unfortunately, the only way for Buffalo to get compensatory picks is to change their name to The New England Patriots.
  23. Nice. Perhaps this is also one of Buddy Nix's first BIG mistakeS
  24. Our running back corps include: 1) a 30 year old 2) a convict 3) a guy off the street 4) a guy who will not sign.
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