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The Dean

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Everything posted by The Dean

  1. Start eating. There is little doubt now that he will go fairly early in the draft.
  2. I would choose Buffalo over Jacksonville every day of the week. Jacksonville is a hell-hole, and the pits of Florida. It is a total embarrassment to the USA. The ONLY advantage Jacksonville has over Buffalo is weather, and that's only if you like hot humid weather. Buffalo is far superior in culture to Jacksonville, which is virtually devoid of any civilized culture. Chain restaurants are considered fine eating establishments in Jacksonville. It isn't a city, it is a collection of non-descript suburbs. But, with all that said, there is one very nice Thai restaurant in J-Ville: Pattaya Thai.
  3. Well, there you go. Good for Stokke and her family.
  4. I missed that. Great idea. How long would it take for NO to figure out what was going on?
  5. Nobody cares.
  6. Very true. I'm not suggesting we should no longer be concerned about the OL. But so-far, so-good, baring the injuries, of course.
  7. After further review, I believe SF would actually be making a good move if they re-drafted Crabtree next year, at a more advantageous draft position. That is, if they still like the kid and think he will be a great WR. Next year Crabtree will have no option but to sign, IMO. The 49ers will still have their guy, at much less $$. Possibly they will have a more humble version of the same guy, if he is made to sit out the 2009 season. But my gut tells me he signs this year.
  8. So, if one isn't a total pessimist and doesn't criticize the Bills' every move, they wear rose-colored glasses and drink the kool-aid?
  9. If it isn't that, I really don't get it, at all. But if he was a real addict, I would expect him to sign, and take the suspension, simply to get the big check. An addiction can be pretty expensive. Maybe he simply doesn't want to go to SF. That sounds pretty crazy to me, but none of this really makes any sense. As you said, he will likely never make up this $$$. I think he probably will go fairly high next year and get a very good contract, but it will almost certainly be quite a bit less than what SF offered him, this year.
  10. So far, this year, I think nearly all of the sacks have been coverage sacks and/or because Trent held the ball too long.
  11. Ralph may not be a free spender, but do you honestly believe passing on Runyon was a Ralph call? That's preposterous on its face. As has been mentioned no other team has signed him, either, and many have much worse offensive line issues than the Bills. Are their owners cheap, too? It is comments like these that separate the non-thinking fans from those who take some time, and employ some objectivity, when considering the context of a decision. Do you really think Runyon is going to be able to function effectively in the no-huddle? There are times when Ralph's frugality is a real issue, and is fair game. But too often it is used as a catch-all for those who are simply pissed off at the failure of the recent teams.
  12. There's no place for those of our kind, here or on sports-talk radio. We are boring.
  13. Not sure what you mean, Bill. Are you suggesting he knows he will test positive, so is avoiding being tested? That makes some sense, IMO.
  14. I believe he meant 3rd round, when he said "top 3". I agree Crabtree will be gone before the end of the third round, and is likely to go in the first somewhere. To be fair, "overrated" may or may not apply here. He has yet to play in the NFL. He might be underrated.
  15. There is about Zero chance: 32 "competitors" could agree on this and actually not violate that agreement. The collusion wouldn't be discovered if they did manage to pull it off. The NFL would win in court should it be discovered. If you want to make Crabtree a VERY rich man without playing a game, an agreement to not draft/sign him might be the best way to go about it.
  16. I wonder how they justify this, then.
  17. I'm guessing Ralph didn't invite Marshawn to his box, the way Lurie did Vick. Lynch may not have been aware that it was OK to come to the game, or he may have felt the team didn't want him to come if they didn't make special arrangements. Who really knows?
  18. I won season tickets in a raffle for the 1965 season (I was 8 years old). I was a fan before that season, but that year I got to go to many games at the old Rockpile.
  19. The 49ers should draft him, again, next year and offer him far less than they offered him this year. It might not be a good move for the 49ers, but it would amuse me. And, that's really what is important here.
  20. As long as she doesn't vault with a giant tongue, I should be fine.
  21. Um, yes. Very nice. Very nice, indeed.
  22. LIAR! How's that? Draft status didn't factor into my analysis, And I don't think it factored into the Browns' decision, either. I don't give a rat's ass about draft status. I just don't think Anderson has been any good, outside of that one season. I think he might have a fighting chance to be a legit #1 on a handful of teams. It's preposterous to think a team like Miami would consider starting him over Chad (for example), IMO.
  23. Makes sense. Thanks, Lo.
  24. I'm hung up on "draft status"? How did you possibly come up with that? Where in my post did I mention the draft status of anyone?
  25. I noticed the same thing. Forget about the fact that Jim Kelly apparently had no interest in coaching (if he did, he would be coaching somewhere). The Pill seems to be handling the offense pretty well, right now. He also seems to be very late weighing in on the Toronto arrangement. The article comes off more like a letter to the editor from an ignorant fan. Not very professional at all, IMO.
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