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The Dean

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Everything posted by The Dean

  1. Very interesting, Sen. This article has a little bit of cultural stereotyping: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/5...the.html?cat=33 And I found this to be particularly interesting, too: rs. Here's a smaller one at a reasonable price: http://www.pianocompanystore.com/images/faz1.jpg 50% off its original price ($165,400): $82,700 http://www.pianocompanystore.com/sale.html The one goes for $409,000: http://www.luxist.com/gallery/fazioli-pianos/591524/ http://www.luxist.com/2008/01/18/fazioli-p...highest-prices/ You should pick one up, Sen. But, I like the looks of the Bosendorfer better, I think. Although, this one is pretty slick: http://www.luxist.com/gallery/fazioli-pianos/591530/
  2. When she was younger, Natalie Imbruglia was pretty sweet: http://www.sirena.lf.lv/wallpapers/music/n...imbruglia1d.jpg http://images.fanpop.com/images/image_uplo...13_1024_768.jpg She had aged fairly well, I think:
  3. At the time, I was a consultant for TV stations and networks. That trip was a weird one. I got to The W Hotel and had no credit card (it was at home with my photo ID). I got the hotel to check me in anyway, and a colleague put my room on her card when she arrived. The day before I left, I drank my way all over Honolulu in search of fake ID. I was offered a card for $200, but passed. I finally found a check cashing place that had photo cards for $10. By that time I was pretty trashed and had spent a ton of cash on the quest. But it was more fun than just plunking it down on the first offer.
  4. I wish I knew that 10 years ago. I got to Newark airport about an hour before my flight to Hawaii. I realized I had no photo ID, and I couldn't go back to my place on Long Island and still make my flight. I thought I'd talk to someone at airport security and ask what to do, but the airport was jammed and the lines were very long. I bribed a skycap to give me a boarding pass and stamp the photo ID area. Then, in Hawaii, I bought a fake photo ID for my return flight. Security was tight at the time, but it was pre-911. I wouldn't count on any of that to work now.
  5. Today would be a fine day to fire Dick, IMO,
  6. Terrible calls. Let the kids enjoy the game.
  7. I intentionally used the cliche, but for instructional purposes.
  8. That's when Rod was at his best, and he still wasn't very good. Ola would be a much better album with another singer, IMO.
  9. I knew you wouldn't be interested, SD. I just thought I'd add it to the thread for anyone monitoring it. Good luck.
  10. Speaking of external hard drives... Samsung 1 TB external drive, $89.99/Free Shipping with this code: EMCLXNX44 I think it is a one-day offer: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...-L0B-_-22152178
  11. She really does.
  12. Technically, the offense scored 7 points. A fake FG is an offensive play. But your point still stands. Of course, DJ didn't help himself in the 4th Q by punting on 4th and one.
  13. Beat me to it. I'd love for NO to waste a TO
  14. WTF was that about? Why didn't the officials give NO the time out?
  15. I love redheads. This girl is cute, but she is a tad too buxom and large for my tastes. Again, very pretty otherwise.
  16. Nice reference guide, Booster. I may have to send those to a couple of my more confused clients. Thanks
  17. Defragment with this (it's free): http://www.auslogics.com/disk-defrag Just defragment. Don't click on "Optimize your PC" or anything else it suggests. Just use the free defragmentor.
  18. I agree about Seth. As for pulling the plug, I'd like to see them make some dramatic changes first. As you note, SNL has rebounded in the past, and from casts worse than this, IMO. There are too many "attitude" members (who I think were picked to appeal to a specific demographic) and too few who have real sketch comedy chops. A guy like Phil Hartman is desperately needed, on this show. But I think its the writing that is suffering the most, as you noted as well. They are relying on too many recurring sketches that just aren't funny. I'm not a big fan of too many recurring bits, but if you have to have them be more selective in what you pick.
  19. I missed most of last night's show (watched a heavyweight championship fight instead). I did manage to catch most of Weekend Update (horrible) and one U2 song (horrible). Seth sucks on Weekend Update. He's almost Colin Quinn bad. While I like Keenan at times, the "Zoot Allures" thing is crap. Kristin Wig may be the best thing about that show now, but the "Just Kidding" woman wasn't funny the first time, and gets worse every time I see it. And spare me the U2 worship. Bono's preening is unwatchable and the music is ordinary, IMO. Someone will have to explain to me why The Edge is considered a great guitarist by some.
  20. Of course the issues were cleared up. IMO this was never in doubt, although I know some disagreed. I hope Hargrove gets it all together and has a good career, but let that continue NEXT WEEK. There is a nice piece on him linked on the front page of TBD: http://www.buffalonews.com/452/story/808853.htm
  21. A hit or two of pot usually works for me.
  22. As of now (11:17 PM Saturday) the National Weather Service says Orchard Park has a 70% chance of precipitation tomorrow. They predict very little rain, though, and most of it should be before game time: http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?C...78.7458&e=0
  23. The casino is likely your best bet downtown. The Crowne Plaza isn't horrible, I don't think. The Hampton and the Comfort Inn at The Pointe are both acceptable, too. Now, you might want to try something like the Red Coach Inn. At one time, this was a nice upscale boutique hotel, but I'm not sure how it is these days. Frommers still gives it a pretty good review: http://www.frommers.com/destinations/niaga...sny/H48566.html It's pretty historic, and a very short walk to the Falls, Goat Island, etc. http://www.redcoach.com/
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