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The Dean

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Everything posted by The Dean

  1. OK... At first I wasn't sure about this show. While I thought the first episode was OK, I wasn't completely sold. Now, after watching several episodes I think it is one of the best shows on TV. Maybe it's because I'm a man of a certain age and can relate to these characters. The acting is superb. The writing may be even better.
  2. ...and not to belabor the point, but I assume if you asked for a "kleenex" and I gave you a Kleenex, it would satisfy your request. But if you wanted a cherry soda pop and asked for a "coke" would you be OK with getting a Coke? Facial tissue, in general, is relatively interchangeable (at least when you asking someone for a sheet". Based on this discussion, it would seem any flavor of soda pop is not acceptable to most people when they are ordering in a restaurant.
  3. I could be mistaken, but I thought Bonds denies INTENTIONALLY using steroids. Didn't he claim he thought everything he used was legit?
  4. I'm not disputing that some call all soda pop "coke". I KNOW they do in the south. I am simply commenting on how stupid that is. I also call tissues, "tissues". If someone asks for a Kleenex and I have a different brand, I ask it that is acceptable. When I bartended I used Seagram's 7 and, if available, Seven Up if they ordered a "7 and 7". I'm just that kind of guy.
  5. Outstanding! Glad to hear things are good at home and the new daughter is doing well. When does she turn 18?
  6. Not sure why you picked my post to respond to, Gord, but I understand what you are saying. I tried to be very clear that it is just a feeling I have about him. Simon hit the nail on the head when he says he seems inauthentic...at least to me, that is how he comes across. But I have no real vested interest in this, and don't develop hero worship with any actor/celebrity/etc. I KNOW that none of them are perfect, and that with most what we see is the image they choose to project. So when one stumbles and we find out he/she isn't perfect (which we already knew...right?) we act like we have been betrayed, or something. When a public figure goes through troubles/gets arrested/gets exposed for some wrongdoing, it doesn't necessarily have a huge impact on how I feel about that person. I go in knowing that everyone has some issues, and so I'm not surprised. I look at the individual, the particular wrongdoing they have done (or been accused of), etc. I admit I get disturbed by acts of horrid proportions (Mike Vick) and blatant hypocrisy (Eliot Spitzer). Most of the issues that get reported and reported and reported and reported, aren't of that nature. Am I really supposed to be surprised and appalled to discover Tiger Woods is a hound? If he was a child pornographer, I imagine my opinion of him would change. And lets face it, sometimes a bad guy is just more likeable than a good guy. Not BECAUSE he is bad, and the other guy is good. Simply because he is more likeable of a human. But the real questions to me, when it concerns an athlete in a team sport, are: Is he a good team player? Liked by his fellow teammates? Hard worker? Smart on the field? Does he give a full effort? etc. I think Warner looks pretty good when judged by that criteria. I'm not sure he is always a selfless teammate, but he certainly gives his all. But that doesn't mean I have to like the guy or think his image is authentic. I would probably rather smoke a blunt with Marshawn than go to church with Kurt. How's it going anyway, Gordio?
  7. We had the game won, until Jesus made me fumble!
  8. I'm with you. The story and his act were somewhat interesting when he first joined the NFL, but I've had enough of it. He seems like a bit of a douche and his wife seems even worse. I don't know him, and I may very well be wrong. Just a feeling I have.
  9. Outstanding!
  10. Vanilla Coke is now Coca Cola Vanilla. I drink very little pop. Occasionally I will have a diet ginger ale (or Vernors), or something. Maybe once every month or so. I drink a lot of unsweetened ice tea (or diet ice tea) and water. And booze. I drink booze.
  11. As you already ordered Cokes, there should have been no further inquiry into the issue. The waitress should bring you what you ordered...Cokes.
  12. You say that like it's a bad thing.
  13. No S#it. In some places in the south, they call all soda pop "coke". How, exactly, does that work? Can that EVER be an effective of ordering, say, a root beer? BTW, I am drinking a most excellent bourbon, Van Winkle Special Reserve, 12-Year Old, Lot B, that a client gave me the other day. I have to say, it does not suck. http://www.bourbonenthusiast.com/forum/DBv...displaybottling
  14. Agreed, he is horrible. But I really prefer to concentrate on how good last season's Monday Night Crew really was. It's easy to bash these guys and I'm the first to admit I do it on a regular basis. I can't say I was a big fan of bringing of bringing Chucky to Buffalo as a HC to begin with. But I'd almost be pissed if he went to the NFL and left Monday Night Football. The guy is terrific on air. And Gruden combined with Jaws and Tirico combine to be one of the few announcing teams in years, that adds value to the game, for me at least.
  15. "Pop" makes the most sense. Actually it is "soda pop". "Soda" is also short for "club soda" so it is confusing. "Pop" is the only clear shorthand for a carbonated soft drink that shouldn't be confused for another soft drink.
  16. What's all this now?
  17. Maybe the worst, I agree. ESPN Monday Night's crew, on the other hand, may be the best ever. Certainly the best current. EDIT: I should add that NBC's Sunday Night team is close to the worst ever. Collinsworth is intolerable.
  18. Drayton is a decent DB, to be sure. But he needs a lot of work on his tackling.
  19. As you may recall, I reported this a couple of days ago: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...t&p=1700939 http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?...t&p=1700947 I'll still be surprised (and a little disappointed) if Leslie gets the gig.
  20. When life give you lemons you break out a bottle of tequila.
  21. I'm with you on this. Still like the traditional stuff, but the network has sold out.
  22. If I post, it is here. And you are right, this is funny stuff.
  23. While I don't drink a lot of beer, Yuengling or Newcastle are my usual beers. If I am in a Mexican restaurant it is Negra Modelo (Or Dos Equis Amber if they are out of NM). Singha in a Thai restaurant...you get the drift. I also really like Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout and several beers by Samuel Smith.
  24. I don't think it is Frazier, either, but I hear they were VERY impressed with the interview.
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