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The Dean

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Everything posted by The Dean

  1. Wow, that's a great aspiration, Jim. I'm impressed and a little bit surprised. What constitutes my "dream job" has changed quite a few times during my life. One that has remained in the mix is owning my own small bar/restaurant. I thought I'd be doing that about this time in my life. but family obligations make that impossible at the moment. Watching this kind of thing gives me another idea for what I'd like to do, too: http://www.cigaraficionado.com/Cigar/Free/...ctid=1124848222
  2. Good Call. They've always been very good whenever I have had them. Only problem I remember is they really don't have killer-hot wings. Sometimes I really need the suicidal experience. No question. Some places I think an extra 5 minutes might be in order. But I order them extra crispy everywhere just to be clear, just as I now always order my pizza "well done".
  3. As the host of Perspectives, Lionel Osbourne, might say: Fantastic!
  4. How is that a bad thing? Good for the budget, anyway. Welcome back.
  5. You CAN point it the other way (the exact same way you would if it was over, but the point faces the wall). I have only seen it this way a few times, and it makes an impression because it is very rarely done that way.
  6. Not at all horrible by Super Bowl halftime standards. I could have done without Who Are You, though. A pretty poor Who song, IMO. A rousing version of Eminence Front would have been far better. At least they didn't play Squeeze Box (unless I missed it).
  7. Lisa Gay Hamilton is the woman on Men of a Certain Age, but that picture sure looks like Thandie Newton. Thandie is a hottie, to be sure.
  8. Dewar (RIP) was one of the greatest, and most underrated, rock vocalists. Bridge of Sighs is a tour de force on many levels. Jack Bruce is another very good singing bassist, but IMO Dewar was even better. Lowell George could sure sing. But I think my favorite is Van Morrison: http://popup.lala.com/popup/360569466647708855
  9. OK, one more:
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swX9oq6TVAU Enjoy
  11. Based on my experience, most places in Buffalo use "plain old Franks" usually with some margarine/butter in the mix. Of course, some put in a little of one or more of the following salt/vinegar/cayenne/garlic powder/tabasco/etc. But a good rule of thumb for making "authentic" Buffalo wings is Franks and some margarine or butter. It seems both Anchor and Duffs do something more dramatic than most of the wing places in WNY, though. That's just based on my taste, though. (Do you really use 50% butter? WOW that's a lot of butter. You must like really mild wings.)
  12. I can say from a LOT of experience I have never had a non-crispy wing from Duffs. Of course, I order them Extra Crispy wherever I go. I like Duffs sauce and their fearlessness when it comes to Extra Hot (or whatever they call their stupid-hot wings these days). They aren't the best wings I have ever had, but they have always been far better than Anchor Bar, IMO. La Nova is average in everything they make, IMO. Average wings and slightly below average pizza. Some think they put too much sauce on the wings. I get that. But if you just want less sauce, order them that way. It isn't hard to order things the way you want them. If the place doesn't fulfill your special request, then you have a complaint. Some of my favorite wing places are no longer around. Tally Ho in Niagara Falls may have made my all-time favorite wings. They have been gone for years. Rudy's on Millersport Highway was a fantastic place for many years, too. RIP Rudy's. I think Mister Dee's on Beach Road in Cheektowaga makes some of the best wings and beef-on-wecks and fish frys in the world. Maybe not THE best, but damn close. And they are consistent. The rest of the food on the menu is very good, too.
  13. He was a great actor, see? Never got his due, see? He got an Honorary Oscar. Charity, that's what I call it, see?
  14. For years I was an underhand man. But I now find myself preferring overhand. After further analysis, I actually believe it has to do with the individual setup of the toilet/roll. I have found it some setups underhand seems to be more convenient, but overhand works best in most situations. Context, as usual, is necessary to consider before answering the question.
  15. Reon is one of my all time favorites.
  16. That is sensationally horrible.
  17. Share the wealth! It's down to sticks and stems for me, right now.
  18. Didn't you start out as a fluffer?
  19. Unless I missed it, nobody has mentioned Ry Cooder. And that's a shame. And while they might not belong in the category of "Best" guitarists (like many of the already mentioned, IMO) few rock guitarists are as fun as Lowell George (RIP) and Paul Barrere.
  20. Not a player, unfortunately. I studied music some when I was younger (mostly drums and piano) but never put in the time and work necessary to get really good. I come from a musical family, though. My brother is a life-long professional guitarist/singer, my Grandfather and uncles have worked as professional musicians and my Mother even did a little singing with Pittsburgh area big bands when she was a teenager.
  21. Becker doesn't have the guitar chops of any of those guys, to be sure. (You can add Jon Herington and Wayne Krantz to that list, too.) He is a very tasteful player and he can make any solo sound like it belongs in a Steely Dan song. Walter is a much better bass player than he is a guitarist (check out his 2nd solos album, Circus Money). But he has become a respectable guitar player. He solos much more in concert now, and he seems to be better every time I see them. Denny Dias may be the most underrated guitarist ever. But he has a jazz sound, not really a rock guitarist.
  22. Becker has actually become a pretty respectable guitar player.
  23. Game show host in the 70's. I keed, I keed...
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