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The Dean

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Everything posted by The Dean

  1. You really should know him. What makes Carlton such a brilliant musician is his ability to play at a very high level in a number of different styles. He is an exceptional blues guitarist, has extraordinary rock chops, is at his best (IMO) as an electric jazz fusion player and is among the best acoustic smooth jazz players around. The guy is simply one of the finest guitarists you will ever hear. The Kid Charlemagne solo can be heard here (the solo starts just around 2 minutes in): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d23Z-_ki_Dc Another example of his rock chops are evident in this Steely Dan epic (the entire song displays his talents): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AslDzpaCURs BTW, both of these tunes are quintessential Steely Dan compositions. Here's a fine example of his electric Jazz Fusion work (it really starts to kick in at about 1:30 into the song) : http://popup.lala.com/popup/360569462352740111 He can play the blues, that's for sure: And while I'm not a big fan of the smooth jazz stuff, he is very proficient at this style: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJzFDyrNzec OK, I can't leave it on that note. Here's one more of his work on another well known Steely Dan song : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhCo8KP-_xE
  2. I know this has been touched on in the past, and I looked at some old threads. But I have a very specific, and I think easy, question for those in the know. This has nothing to do with copying DVDs and there are no copyright issues invloved. I have a friend who shoots some digital video and transfers the files to her computer. They are .mov files. She is looking to burn the occasional Video DVD of her work. The computer runs Windows XP. There doesn't seem to be any DVD burning software on her computer. The Sonic (or is it Roxio) included with her computer only burns CDs. She has tried Windows Movie Maker and the free version of VideoDVDMaker, but has had no luck. She also upgraded to Quicktime Pro to convert the .mov files to another format, but still is unable to find an easy way to burn the Video DVD. I have googled this and have explored many options, but would like to hear directly from someone who does this and knows what works well. While she would prefer a free option (she isn't going to be doing much of this and doesn't need anything fancy) but is willing to pay a small amount if it is necessary. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  3. It's tough to ignore Elliot Randall's solo on Reelin in the Years.
  4. Let's not forget Buffalo also has Grover Cleveland to brag about. Oh...never mind.
  5. Terrific album. I saw Tal with Jeff Beck on a PBS concert a while back and I was very impressed. She looked to be about 16 years old. (Of course, she was older than that.) Since then I have heard her with other fine musicians, including Steely Dan alum Keith Carlock and Wayne Krantz. She looks a bit like one of my former insane girlfriends.
  6. Happy Freakin' Birthday, Honey!
  7. Indeed. But I fear Alien Fearless Leader would shut it down then.
  8. I'd give the Kurobuta Pork (Berkshire Pork!) a try. Plain, of course.
  9. IMO weddings can range from terrific to tolerable, for the most part. One exception to that was a wedding that was w/o alcohol, and I was not informed of that prior to attending. Dull people for the most part, and I knew very few of them. I stayed the minimum required time. But other than that, I manage to have a pretty good time at most weddings. To the OP, here are some tips for getting through that dreaded wedding with minimal discomfort: Have a drink or two, or toke or two, prior to the ceremony. Don't get blasted, mind you, just something to ameliorate the experience. Time your entrance to the church/temple/hall so that you can say "Hello" to those who might notice your presence at the event. Make an impression. Talk to the Groom/Bride for 10 seconds if you get a chance. Then, once the bride goes down the isle (all eyes will be on her) slip out the door and go to a bar. Then meet everyone at the reception. They won't know you slipped out, and you will have fulfilled your obligation. Go to the reception with a slightly better buzz than everyone else. But be cool. Don't go hammered. As for "objecting", I think I may have heard the phrase "If anyone here has a reason why these two should not be married..." once...maybe. While that line is in every movie and TV show, they almost never ask that question at a real wedding. Too bad. Maybe there would me more fun if they asked it.
  10. It's hard to argue with the talent that passed through the Yardbirds over the course of a few years. (Clapton, Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, John Bonham, for starters.) But it really was a group where these guys got their real start, for the most part. Buffalo Springfield was another group like this, launching the careers of Neil Young, Stephan Stills, Jim Messina and others. I think most think of a Supergroup as a band that gathers established and respected musicians from a number of successful groups. Wikipedia offers this definition: "a rock music group whose performers are already famous from having performed individually or in other groups." That works for me. Cream, Blind Faith and CSN (and CSNY) all qualify under that definition. (Of course the Beatles do not.) I think CrappyPappy is right about Blind Faith. For their very short life, they were really something else. Two of my favorite little known supergroups were Captain Beyond and Rhinoceros. Looking at their lineups, it's hard to believe they were considered "supergroups", but at the time they were. And, for the record, I believe Rhinoceros was formed before Blind Faith.
  11. So, this is really the bottom line, right? That's good because I have every intention to continue launching my cheap shots at whatever moving (or sedentary) target I find. BTW, you have my belated thanks for changing your user name.
  12. http://www.canadiandesignresource.ca/offic...ral-crayon-set/
  13. I actually liked Beany and Cecil a little bit.
  14. Cecil? "I'm a-comin', Beany-boy!"
  15. While it sounded loud on TV, there looked to be empty seats.
  16. Are you suggesting Barker has more than one hermaphrodite teacher?
  17. What's all this now?
  18. How about those Purple Eagles?
  19. It's a deal! I have always known I share my birthday with Abe Lincoln and Chas Darwin. Today I found out I also share it with Bill Russell. Nice!
  20. Hard to believe, I admit. Thanks for the well wishes, gentlehumans.
  21. IMO, North Tonawanda has always been a very good party town. Sounds like it is still going strong. Pizza Junction still good?
  22. Why would anyone ever order an Ass Burger?
  23. You got that right, Cincy. I'll put you on the short list.
  24. I'll miss Berman on ESPN, but I'm not sure how this changes "the way we watch football"
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