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The Dean

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Everything posted by The Dean

  1. I share your concerns about Maybin. But I will give him another year, with a full camp under his belt and under some different coaching, before breaking out the B-word.
  2. Did you read what I wrote? My disbelief had nothing to do with Maybin being a bust, or not. I said I can't imagine Poz completely dumping on Maybin to a reporter (even if that reporter used to be a player)...especially a PSU player. I'm guessing he said something in context, and Gannon reported it out of context. Anyway, calling a player a bust after one year is totally ridiculous, IMO.
  3. A lot of good ones there. Jack Gilford really caught my eye as soon as I opened the page. I think a guy like Sam Elliot might be a little too well known to make that page.
  4. ? Full Metal Jacket? He was very good in that. He seems to have become a mugger, at least that's what he does in L&O. A real ham. Maybe he's following the Al Pacino model.
  5. Can't believe it took this long for someone to mention Bruce Campbell. Great addition. As for D'Onofrio...pass. But that's just me. I think he's horrible on L&O CI.
  6. Add: Slim Pickens Scatman Crothers
  7. As I said I think you OR Gannon probably didn't give us the entire story. If you did, I'm guessing Gannon didn't. It just doesn't sound like something either of those guys would say, without some context.
  8. You are correct. Maybin wasn't my first choice (and I wish he would have stayed another year), but I accepted his pick as he had/has potential to be a dangerous pass rusher...something the Bills were looking for in the last draft. While he was far from a sure thing, I thought he may have had the best high-end potential of all the pass rushers. He still may. You really can't judge any player's worth based on his rookie season. Of course, one of the reasons I was OK with the pick was his reputation of being a very hard worker, great guy, etc. His holdout was unfortunate and something I didn't expect from him, to be honest. The reports of his lack of focus in preparation, if true, are also very disturbing and unexpected.
  9. I think anyone who really watches the show realizes it is apolitical or perhaps anti-political. Far right wingnuts may have a problem with it as might some wacko left wingers.
  10. Agreed. Also, I have to question the original posts report on what Gannon said OR question Gannon's report if the OP's interpretation is accurate. Do you really think Poz dissed fellow PSU Maybin outright? Seriously? That doesn't sound like Poz even if the player wasn't from PSU. I have a feeling Rico or Gannon is leaving something out. Actually, I doubt Fewell would take that approach, either. I'm guessing they mixed some criticism with some praise/hope and all we are getting here is the criticism. Typical, really. With that said, Maybin needs to show more, that's for sure. Missing most of TC certainly didn't help.
  11. The RZA, the GZA, Old Dirty Bastard... No, really Mos Def really is an interesting actor, from what I have seen. And he has a pretty long list of credits: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0080049/ How about Lyle Lovett. Another cat who is a good character actor, IMO.
  12. I think they also give points for the number of laps a drive is in the lead. I may be mistaken, though.
  13. At least Pothier isn't the entree from the Bonefish.
  14. Nice choices for the most part. But, as noted, these are not very obscure, IMO. That's OK, moving on in the spirit of the thread... Let's add: Wallace Shawn Ned Beatty Rip Torn (poor drunken bastard) Stephen Root Parker Posey Joan Chen James Woods Peter Boyle Zooey Deschanel Robert Forster Ving Rhames Ossie Davis Mos Def More to come, probably...
  15. FF is a clear #1 for me. But I'm using V 3.5.8. Until my favorite plugins/addons are compatible, I won't upgrade to V 3.6. (For those having crashing issues, what version do you use?) Opera is good, but for some reason I rarely use it. Chrome is terrific when it comes to speed, but still has a long way to go to be my main browser. The availability of a WOT plugin has helped it though, IMO. IE 8 is a real improvement IF...let me repeat that...IF it works on your computer. For me, it has been almost flawless. But I have seen it be nearly unusable on too many machines. Still, it is a far cry from FF. I'd put Safari dead last, but I haven't used it (for any significant time) in a while.
  16. Keep the fruit the hell out of my beer! If I want fruit, I'll eat grapes while I drink. A couple of recent favorites for me: Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA Also, was pleasantly surprised the other day. A new place in St Augustine has Maudite on tap!
  17. Simple solution: Drive faster!
  18. "Soylent Green is people!"
  19. If you are in the USA you can safely assume the waiter or waitress makes a salary that is below minimum wage.
  20. Indeed. Although, IMO, coaching has been a bigger issue than talent on the field. Both contribute (or don't), of course.
  21. Yes, that's what I suspected (about when the hit counts against the cap). The Ralph is cheap bashing gets pretty old, when it isn't supported by the facts. He certainly isn't the leagues biggest spender, nor is he at the bottom. If he was more like Danial Snyder the Bills would likely no longer be in Buffalo.
  22. My question about this has always been, does the NFL count the hit against the cap when the player is cut. or when the Bills actually paid that money? In other words, can the Bills decide to take that hit when the bonus is paid, or do NFL cap rules dictate the hit be divided by the number of years on the contract?
  23. You really don't have much good to say about the blind, do you?
  24. With that awesome logic and expected arrogance, you'd last about 10 minutes.
  25. So a single One-Eyed Man can dispense with an entire population of blind people? I think that's the kind of arrogance that will contribute to the demise of the One-Eyed Man. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/244711/blind_kung_fu_master/
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