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The Dean

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Everything posted by The Dean

  1. Most QBs don't develop. Almost every QB is a big risk, some are just bigger risks than others.
  2. Absolutely! I know it's a bit tougher to grow great weed up north, but it certainly can be done. As was noted, they grow some good stuff in Alaska. Either way, I'm all for this movement. Like health care reform and expanded coverage, it might not start out perfect, but these are things that are LONG overdue in the USA.
  3. They sure didn't for booze. The quality of legal booze is FAR better than that which was available during prohibition. I'm not saying you are wrong, just that history doesn't necessarily support your conclusion.
  4. An excellent concern. Currently medical marijuana sold legally is of generally excellent quality. But I'm guessing that won't be the norm for mass market stuff. OTOH, I'm guessing there will be a minimum THC level, so you know you aren't going to get burnt for a bag of some lawn shavings, or something. In order for legalization to be effective the weed will have to be of decent quality, one would think. But like you, I would steer clear of garbage weed, legal or not.
  5. Yes, the country is in terrific financial shape and needs no additional money to operate. The military runs on flowers and there is no sight of more trouble brewing. Law enforcement should be done for free, by nice citizens. Schools are for morons, no need to fund them.. ...ad nauseam...
  6. Way overdue. As you know, I have been preaching this for many years. There is a vast underground economy that remains untaxed, unregulated and costs the govt a fortune to police. Legalize it!
  7. I think you mean drinking gets YOU tired. What you said is exactly the reverse for me, usually. I can function much better, and stay awake longer, after a couple of drinks than after even one hit of good smoke. I understand this is a very individual matter, though. Let's agree he should find the balance that works for him.
  8. This is a thread that should be merged into the main thread, IMO, as the OP had nothing new to bring to the issue. Without that thread the board would be littered with such threads. Just my opinion, of course. It really is up to the mods.
  9. I do that before going in. I figure it would be tough to burn one in a theater and not get caught.
  10. Great trip! BTW, Hamdan's, if you drive with someone, my advice is to back a couple of baseball mitts and a ball, maybe a football. Stopping once or twice a day to relax a little can really take the edge off the drive, IMO. Of course I would also have some cold ones on ice for that stop, and maybe some mild cheeb. But I'm not saying you should do that. I'm not SAYING that, at least not here.
  11. I take in a flask, or small bottle, of booze. But I rarely go to the movies, anymore. It isn't so much about the price as it is the quality of the movies.
  12. I drove from Boston to California in December of 1989. I drove from California to Long Island in the late 1990's. On both trips I went to sporting events across the country. I had to take the Southern route on both trips to visit my sister (in FLA) and brother (in New Orleans at the time). I went to College Football Bowl games on the way to California. On the return trip I took in several College Basketball games. Even got to see a game at the Dean Dome. I really want to make the trip at least once more. The theme? Horse Racing! Also, on both trips I had a good friend take part of the trip with me. A good fun female friend is recommended, if one of your best buddies can't make it.
  13. Nobody with any sense of TSW history would call WVU "a troll". He is a very important contributor to The Wall. If he did something purposefully to piss someone off once, you should know it was a very rare occurrence for him. If that happened, I'm sure he had good reason. I do that on occasion, especially with the dreggs of the board, but WVU has much more class than that. Now, with that said, I knew your post about Tebow at the Canadian ballet was a joke, and I even laughed a little. But I have a very warped sense of humor.
  14. If it lost all meaning, how did you "get it"? BTW, you missed the point. I'm not surprised.
  15. I bet he did, and I have no issue with that. On the other hand, if he tried to get the entire restaurant to say grace with him...
  16. Me too. Actually I always thought it looked like fun. I like shuffleboard (bar shuffleboard, that is) and bocce, so curling fits right in there. Although I have to say I found it more appealing with the brooms. Those damn brushes have stripped the game of its sex appeal, IMO.
  17. Here's what I need to know: You drink when you curl, right? I'm really hoping that like bowling, casual participants drink when they go curling. I mean Canadians curl, so there must be drinking involved. Right?
  18. Congrats. I've always liked WV teams (though I am no fan of Huggins).
  19. Can't give you much of a critique, as I am no expert on photography or zombies, but I thought they were very good. Interesting lighting, good creepy feel and a terrifically horrid zombie babe. I'm guessing with a little editing they will be fantastic. Thanks for sharing.
  20. Just got back from seeing Dave Mason at St. Augustine's Rhythm and Ribs Festival. WOW! I have seen Dave on many occasions in the past, but he was really extra special tonight. I think he has become a better guitar player over the years and his voice is still in fine form. The band was outstanding (bass player Gerald Johnson has played with him forever, it seems), very tight, and the sound was first rate. They really cranked it up. Interestingly, Dave never broke out the RKS guitar that bears his name. I wonder what the story is there? Still it wasn't missed as he played the hell out of the Telecaster and, for at least one song, a 12-string acoustic guitar. 2nd Guitarist, Johnne Sambataro was fantastic on acoustic guitar most of the night, and made the most of his two or three turns at electric solos. While I expect Mason to put on a good show, this far surpassed my expectations.
  21. Harriet, I am so sorry for your, and your son's, loss.
  22. He should die of the common cold.
  23. If ZERO playoff wins in the NFL is good enough for you, then Flutie is just your kind of QB. How could a QB who "just wins" have ZERO playoff wins in the NFL?
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