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The Dean

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Everything posted by The Dean

  1. Typically, making quality food is a bit more work than taking stuff out of the freezer. But there are ways to cut down on the hassle of fresh cut fries, if you have the right tools, take a little prep time and use the right methods. Fresh cut fries are better when they are fried twice, IMO, so you can cut down on the hassle at the time of order if you have the fries par-cooked before the rush hours. Hell, even chains like Five Guys and In-n-Out manage to put out a ton of fresh fries every day.
  2. Does American Apparel still use really skanky chicks in their ads?
  3. Agreed. While some restaurants make a regular thing of it, it is usually the fault of the people with the birthday boy/girl. How else would they even know about the birthday.
  4. How hard is it to make something PLAIN? In some restaurants you'd think it was the biggest hassle ever. I order my sandwiches plain. Meat-cheese-bun. I usually ask them to hold the pickle as well as I don't want it oozing on my food and I won't eat it anyway. The typical response is "all that is on the side, anyway". The point is I won't eat it, so why bring it out and have to throw it away? What's the point? I'm the customer. Getting the order correct isn't a hassle...it's the job you are supposed to be doing. This leads me to another restaurant rule (see #1 and 2 in an earlier post). Ask the customer if he/she wants pickles. If they do, bring them a whole pickle, or a jar with some good pickles. From my experience in the business, most pickles get tossed anyway. The pickle slices they tend to serve usually suck and don't really satiate a real pickle lover. So why not take the pickle money and make it count? Rule #4. If you are known for great burgers/chicken sandwiches or really any sandwich, why not use a quality bun/bread? Putting a great quality burger on a cheap soft bun is a disgrace. At least give the customer a choice. Rule #5, (and this doesn't necessarily apply to fast food places or other joints that don't pretend to serve quality food). Serve fresh cut french fries. Why put crappy frozen fries next to a burger you claim to be special? It doesn't make sense.
  5. Damn you! Damn you for making me root for PacMan to succeed.
  6. THE POT MUST BE STIRRED! Not stirring this particular pot puts everyone's lives, and certainly their freedoms, at risk. Cowering to extremist whackjobs is not the answer.
  7. I believe it was already mentioned, but it deserves to be fleshed out a bit. The restaurant (or bar) floor is no place for a waiter/bartender to be grousing/bitching about their life/boyfriend/wife, etc. Customers don't want to hear the BS. From experience, I can pretty much assure you if you ACT like you are happy and give a crap, your tips will be better. If your tips are better you just might be a bit happier and actually start giving a crap. Also try to pay attention and make eye-contact with your customers. I hate when a bartender is holed up at the end of the bar with his/her back turned having a conversation with a friend or customer. You should be able to carry on multiple conversations, and should always be surveying the bar to see if anyone needs anything. Likewise, I see many waiters/waitresses avoiding looking around to see if a table needs something. Yes, I know you are busy. Just acknowledge you see me and convey you will be there when you can...or send another waiter/busboy/etc to see if they can help. Also, contrary to what some others have said, I prefer friendly service. I will take a friendly waitron with a good attitude who may have to ask "who had the Caesar Salad" to a personality-less stiff who gives great service. Obviously I prefer great service from a friendly server with a good attitude, but attitude probably means the most to me. That may change a bit if I am in a very high-end/expensive restaurant with formal service. But to be honest, someone filling my water glass every time I take a sip is a bit intrusive to me.
  8. Two of my bigger pet peeves, too. Among the Dean's rules for restaurants are: 1. A pepper grinder on every table. If the restaurant is worried they will be stolen, use huge grinders, or the cheap disposable ones sold in supermarkets. First of all, they ask if you want pepper BEFORE you've tasted the food. Furthermore, what if I decide I want more pepper after the waitron/busperson leaves the table? I have to find them again? 2. Cheese should also be put on the table. My preference is to have it grated freshly into a bowl on the table. But I will settle for pre-grated if I must.
  9. Not "may not have", he didn't. That's what I was saying. That's what I was correcting (only because it has been posted on several occasions). Was he partly responsible for the horrid offense? Of course.
  10. I agree with the gist of your post. But I feel I must correct the notion Jauron called the offense. He did not.
  11. Thanks for the info, Fez. I am definitely an ATHF convert. It took me a few times to really start to enjoy it, but once I settled in I was hooked. I don't have much interest in the Live Action version (though, as you suggest if it is close and cheap who knows), but I will certainly check out the movie. "Drivin" in my car, livin" like a star..." Remember, "Dancing is forbidden!"
  12. Isn't he serving time or something?
  13. Pond Scum? How long before it has an avatar and is posting on TSW? It might end up being more intelligent than many of the current posters.
  14. I like to heat them in a very hot toaster over or oven. If I can get the oven hot enough to re-crisp the wing and get them nice and hot, then I heat them. Otherwise I eat them cold. I virtually never nuke them.
  15. Actually, some schools have renamed the Communication because of the joke "Communications" became in some schools. For example, I think UB may now call Communication "Informatics", but I'm not positive.
  16. I have seen the Heineken draught keg, but I thought it was a different setup than the new models. It may be, but according to that article, it is meant to last for 30-days in the fridge, so that might be OK. I'd get the Newcastle, as it happens to be one of my favorite "easy drinking" beers. I have seen these, but I don't drink enough beer to justify one: http://www.amazon.com/BeerTender-Heineken-...p/dp/B00132J8RK Thanks for the tip, Nanker.
  17. Here's where I stopped reading.
  18. Communication is a Social Science and is the study of how individuals, groups, organization and media help create and share meaning symbolically (among other things). Some of the specializations in Communication include Interpersonal, Organizational, Group and Mass Media. I suspect "Interpersonal Organizational Communication" means his concentration is in Interpersonal and Organizational. It is a relatively modern field and many don't know much about it. With the right teachers and curriculum it is really a terrific major. A Masters degree in Organizational Communication, for example, can provide a more diverse and complete education than an MBA in many cases. Of course, Communication (and the similarly titled "Communications") can also include dumbed down versions of other SS courses. You will see "Communications" listed as the major for many athletes. Full Disclosure: I have a Masters Degree in Communication (I'm actually ABD) with concentrations in Mass Media, Interpersonal and Organizational. I also taught various Mass Media and Interpersonal Communication courses at UB and Canisius. At Canisius I was filling in for the Dept Chairperson who was on sabbatical. One of her courses was known as a "gut class" and many football and basketball players signed up, thinking an A or B was assured. Despite my warnings, many stayed in my class but didn't attend and/or try. Needless to say after one semester several Griffins were on academic suspension.
  19. Yup. He just may be the guy. I dread the headlines after a loss, though.
  20. I live in Florida and NEVER drink Miller Light or Coors Light. I do like the look of this new draft contraption, though, and think it has potential if it were filled with decent beer.
  21. Aren't you glad you came back?
  22. As SDS said, we have no idea if the Ravens would have picked Cody if Troup was available. But even if they would have picked Cody they might be able to cover his weakness. The rap on him is he tires very easily and needs to rotate out often. The Ravens may be able to accommodate that more than other teams. It's always important to keep the context in mind before passing judgment.
  23. McCoy is a decent pick for the Browns. Glad the Bills didn't take him though.
  24. You do realize he posted that before the pick, as a joke. Right?
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