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The Dean

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Everything posted by The Dean

  1. Really not a big relationship between this and what Vick did, IMO.
  2. I remember back when I was in school, people complained about the wearing of anything with the flag on it, or using the flag as clothing. The rule above actually applies to a flag itself, but many people objected to a replica of the flag, an image of the flag or anything vaguely flag-like being worn. I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest some of those people are the ones so offended by the schools actions today. For the record, while I've never liked the wearing of flag-like clothing and accessories, I've always supported one's right to wear them. From what I understand, people in the booze industry noticed an uptick in alcohol sales early in May, in the LA area. They discovered it was for the Cinco de Mayo celebration, which is very important to Mexicans from a particular region of Mexico and recognized to varying degrees by Mexicans from other regions. Budweiser, and other companies that purvey alcoholic products (and Mexican food chains like Chi-Chis), took this opportunity to create a bigger event. Like most holidays, Cinco de Mayo has some real roots, but is essentially a manufactured holiday...at least in scope.
  3. Certainly a possibility, and far more likely than him not knowing what "German" meant, if it were asked differently. I think it is also possible he was thinking it was a phrase, or slang, he was not familiar with. Once someone is confused and starts trying to interpret something they think is bizarre, they can stay a bit confused for a while. I think if the interviewer said, "Bieber means basketball in German" instead of "Justin, I mean Bieber, sorry, is German in Basketball. True or False." he may have answered differently. It also might have helped if the interviewer took the marbles out of his mouth. After he didn't understand, had the interviewer said "German, the language they speak in Germany", I have to think he would have understood. Or perhaps he is just a moron. But based on the evidence I can't make the call.
  4. Pretty stupid, I have to say Even stupider than sending the kids home. Two stupids don't make a smart. A couple of voices of reason. That's pretty rare around here.
  5. Your point? I can hear "bahblahblah" and repeat it back a number of times. That doesn't mean I understand you actually said your name was "Bob Loblaw" and that's what I was repeating.
  6. While I really detest defending this twerp, there is no question he is thrown by the accent. Hell, I was thrown by the accent. Yes, after being thrown by the accent he was shown the paper, but we don't know what he saw. Was "German" spelled with a capital "G"? Did he look at the right question? Was it typed or hand written? While none of us knows exactly what went down, it looks to me like he was initially confused by the accent, and then was just didn't recover for some reason. It didn't look like he really studied the paper, and put together what was going on. I don't think he understood he was being asked about another language, but thought the word uttered by the interviewer meant something else, entirely. He still sucks, though.
  7. I hope our resident circus geek is getting his chicken chomping gear ready.
  8. The horror. Everyone knows he should take off the batting glove and put on the sliding glove.
  9. I don't. I think he was confused by the accent and situation, though. But this kid really is the most over-hyped, under-talented thing to come around in a long time. And considering how many over-hyped, under-talented pop stars there are, that's saying quite a bit.
  10. I didn't like that character in the beginning (couldn't give a crap about her former like/boyfriend/etc). But she turned into one evil SOB ass-kicker in the second half of the season. I was shocked when Jack pulled the trigger. I thought he was going to let her go, for sure.
  11. Perhaps. Or maybe it just shows that spotting POTENTIAL is much different than being able to correctly predict the future of that potential. As for Mr. Walsh. I respect him has a coach, but I have met few people as full of themselves or as sold on the myth as him. He taped all of his meetings and was looking to promote them as a management system. He really did think he was a genius.
  12. That's stupid.
  13. I remember Trent Edwards being touted as the next Joe Montana. Maybe even better, according to some. Strasburg has yet to throw one pitch in the majors and he is being compared to Nolan Ryan. Pitching is about far more than throwing the ball at 95 MPH.
  14. That only pisses me off if they want you to buy a huge order of fries, beyond what any one person is likely to eat. I don't mind an upcharge for a side of fries, if it's made clear on the menu.
  15. My point is, if you choose to put fries on a plate, they are important. To think anything you serve isn't important is what pisses me off about some restaurants (the topic of this thread, I think). If you can't do fries right, don't do them at all. As a customer, the fries as as important to me as the main dish.
  16. Well, they have better meatballs, ravioli and gnocchi. And those are the restaurants that typically buy better veal, pound it properly, make all their sauces fresh, toss the pasta, etc. So, yes, the restaurants that go out of their way to make these things themselves tend to have better food. Why is that so hard to understand?
  17. So, you aren't disputing the quality or the work. NOW it is about cost. I thought this was a conversation about quality. Carry on.
  18. You have a couple of choices. Over prepare. That's my preferred method. The par-fried potatoes can be finished the next day, or used for something else. Start re-preparing when you start to get low. If you run out, you are an idiot. It's like a bar running out of vodka. And any mook can cut and par-cook fries. You don't need anyone particularly skilled for the job. As I said, they do it at some fast food joints.
  19. No. I'm saying they have better fries.
  20. Because it is harder than grabbing frozen fries out of the freezer. It also involves a bit of work and procedure to make sure you deliver a consistent product. But the amount of work involved is far overstated by those too lazy to do it the right way.
  21. Necessary? No. Better? Without question. I know Italian restaurants that buy pre-made meatballs, ravioli and gnocchi. I also know (and have worked at) restaurants that make all of those in the kitchen. Guess which restaurants have better food?
  22. Yes I'd be careful of making statements like that, if I were you.
  23. If these girls are typical American Apparel chicks, they are likely butterfaces. But I have to admit, it is a nice collection of booty.
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