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The Dean

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Everything posted by The Dean

  1. I can't say I'm 100% behind the STFU part, you are right about PLAY FOOTBALL. I have no real issue with a player not being happy with how they are used. And if they aren't getting any playing time, the should be upset. Tell the coach if you must. But in the meantime, PLAY FOOTBALL. That's your best path to more playing time, getting traded, etc. IMO
  2. They are starting to look like a competently run organization. Something I haven't thought for quite a few years.
  3. Played for the Bills for a year, maybe. And he wasn't 88 or 98 (whatever Goat's icon is wearing). So I'm thinking he is busting our chops.
  4. I do feel bad for Breece. He was fun to watch, even if he was a Jest. And this isn't going to help my fantasy team. Fortunately he contributed to my win this week before leaving the game.
  5. Can't believe I forgot this: Too Late to Stop Now, Van Morrison I'd also consider A Night in San Francisco. But I'm biased as I was at one of the two shows they recorded for that album.
  6. Great choice. Haven't heard this one is quite some time.
  7. I have seen them twice on the same tour only once, I think. Of course the songs sound remarkably similar, from show to show, but the solos are improvised and vary. If you are paying close attention you can hear that. I think of SD the way I think of Duke Ellington. Solo improvisations inside of tight compositions. And here, "compositions" is the key word, I think. You might notice band stands, with the music sheets on them, for many in the band. They aren't just freelancing a "tune" or doing a jamband thing. Too many complicated chord/time signature changes in the music. They aren't as locked in as a symphony orchestra, but far more than a garage band. Their biggest influences are jazz and old school R&B. Duke Ellington meets Ray Charles. Gotta have a great rhythm section that can play funk. I'd have mentioned Snarky Puppy's live in the studio albums, but I didn't think that was really in the spirit of this discussion. But still:
  8. Bootlegs tend to have poor sonic quality, no doubt. It's to be expected, IMO. Some more tolerable than others. Especially if there is something a little different/extra/special in the performance But I have to say, if the band isn't tight, then I probably won't be a big fan. Then again, I'm not a big fan of bands that aren't tight live in person, or on recordings. And just to be clear, a group like The Band, was what I'd call "loosely tight". It sounds loose, but the musicianship is as tight as can be. Gotta have a good rhythm section. While not heavy on my current playlist, I do still love the first three BOC albums. The 4th is OK for me too. After that, no thanks. Though there may be some later albums I haven't heard.
  9. Where did you get the idea I wanted the live album to sound like the studio versions? I never said that and certainly didn't mean to imply it. I didn't like the BOC album because it was SLOPPY. The sound wasn't all that great, either. They were far better in actual concert, back then., IMO. Horrible take, IMO. Listen to the two new Live recordings from the 2019 tour (post Becker, RIP). They are very good, and most of the cuts don't sound like the studio versions to me. Different arrangements, different solos, etc. Fagen has even scolded a player or two for playing note-for-note solos from the recordings. Some of their "hits" have been completely rearranged for the live band. Here's just one example: But I do expect QUALITY musicianship and a tight band. And overall good sonic presentation. I would expect, if this version was released on an official live album, the sound would be (should be) far superior
  10. No kidding? That's pretty f'ed up. Most every other provider has an option to add it. I guess DTV is just trying to force the Sunday Ticket on subscribers who want to get the RZ. Thanks for the info.
  11. What I'm saying is, you can get the RedZone, without getting the Ticket, on most systems. Perhaps your DirectTV package already comes with RedZone. Do you get the NFL Network?
  12. IMO The Last Waltz is a quality entry to this list. I just think Rock of Ages is a bit better.
  13. Does your package (minus the Ticket) include Red Zone?
  14. Typically not a huge fan of live albums. But there are a few that stick out for me: Rock of Ages, The Band Waiting for Columbus, Little Feat Fillmore East, Allman Brothers Live at the Fillmore, Zappa Live/Dead, Grateful Dead Certified Live, Dave Mason I know I'm missing some. I give an honorable mention to Live Full House, J Geils Band. Already been mentioned several times. How about some of the worst live albums from bands you actually liked, at the time anyway? On Your Feet or On Your Knees, Blue Oyster Cult (A real stinker) Live in America, Steely Dan (not actually THAT terrible, but not up to SD standards) I'll think of more.
  15. She is most certainly a keeper!! And here I was thinking you just liked silk scarves. Very cool.
  16. Very nice story. Aren't you Doggie Daddy by now? "Dat's my boy who said dat!" https://cartoonnetwork.fandom.com/wiki/Augie_Doggie_and_Doggie_Daddy According to my Grandmother, I'm a distant cousin to the Great Schnozzola!
  17. Theme song? Indeed
  18. Just trying to help out.
  19. My nickname since I was two days old. Actually I was dubbed "Dino". My friends adapted it to The Dean over the years.
  20. So, you are saying YOU would have praised Beane, if EVERYONE would. Right? I'll tell you this, I was against trading for CMC. I didn't think there was a chance in hell Beane would make that move. But if Beane decided to do it, I'd have to at least give it a second thought and try to understand it. After all Beane knows a LOT more about this than I---or you. Damn right.
  21. I remember watching a fly die on the lig of Bud Grant while he was coaching on the sideline one game. I have ZERO issue with Dorsey's post game booth meltdown. And as long as he is successful at his job, I doubt many others will, either. Now if he implodes, that that is front and center of every report/story. But so far, a failure as an OC doesn't seen to likely at this point. I'm also a bit worried he will get poached. But I think/hope we have a few good years before that happens. I have no idea if he will be a good HC, but I'm guessing he will get another opportunity if he keeps up his current success rate. And the little criticisms of his play call here or sequence there won't impact his ascent one iota, IMO. Every OC makes a questionable play call, or two. So far, it looks like Dorsey is learning as he moves forward with this offense.
  22. That's a team player. I'm pretty sure the Bills will pay his travel and set him up for a comfortable ride. He should take an extra day on the way back, too.
  23. Terrific article. Thanks for posting this.
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